Tuesday, October 17, 2023

. . .from the handiwork journal


. . .made a head hair wrap using #2 fine yarn.  I think it turned out super cute.  I have enough yarn to make a few more to sell, and use up yarn.

. . .finished the XL hot pad.  I gifted these to the family years ago.  They are great for 9 x 13 baking dishes at the holidays, or for baking sheets, your larger baking dishes and even pizza stones.

. . .made a few more dishcloths (knitted), and I am getting worn out making them.  Seriously, why did I think it would be a good idea to do one last craft show??  I have been timing myself, and it takes me almost 3 hours to make one of these.

. . .finished the crocheted strawberry keychains/keyfobs.  Daughter K was making a trip over, to pick up some home canned tomato soup, taco sauce and other items.  I finally got them done in time for her, when she arrived.

If you didn't read the story about these, I had made one back during the kitchen floor repair work (that was a year and a half or so).  I was playing around with some yarn and made one.  I later gave it to Daughter K.  She attached it to her purse.  Her co-workers saw it and pretty soon I was getting 3 orders.  I had no intentions of making them for sale, but I made them ha ha!  

. . . learned a new crochet stitch work!  I learned the wiggly/wavy pattern for a hot pad.  I am working on this being a Christmas gift.  I'm having fun with it, but lack the time to work on it.  I just needed a break from knitted dishcloths.

Also, the person who made the Youtube tutorial, said their template would be on their website, and it is not.  The pattern won't print correctly either, so I'm going by the photo and winging it.  I even sent a message to inquire.  I got zero answers.   It is supposed to be 8 x 8 inches, but mine measures 9 x 9 inches.  Either way, a cute way to make a hot pad, and/or use cotton scraps of yarn.

I started a second one using black (for someone with a black and white themed kitchen) as the starting yarn, and it came out smaller.  The ecru cotton (for the starting base) I used on the first is the same yarn company, but I had it for probably 14 plus years.  

They are not the same thickness.  Do you find some colors are not the same thickness?  It could be that they just don't make the yarn the same over the years.  I will be making the first one over again, but starting with a different yarn color.

That's all for handiwork updates.  I'll be back to update you on the Christmas present hot pads.  I think they are super cute, and they are so different from anything I have made.  The first two rows use a good amount of cotton yarn, but the smaller rounds are great for scrap yarn.  

The rain kept me indoors yesterday (there is so much to do outside and inside these days), but they say it will be going away today and tomorrow.  It's been on the chilly side, and more of a sweatshirt weather.  

I need to take inventory of my bulk herbs for tea making today, and write out a list for anything to re-stock.  


  1. You had a shop online in the past. Do you still have one? Are you putting any of these new items in it or just for the craft show? Thanks and have a good evening. Mary in Georgia

  2. Mother Em, Once I get things made and in stock, I will post here explaining where to find them (my other blog). Thanks.

  3. I enjoy seeing all of your projects. I am knitting the same dishcloth right now and it takes me about the same amount of time.

  4. You are very busy!!! I hope the craft sale goes well for you.

    God bless.

  5. What a lot of neat, neat projects! It's a real treat to see them all.

    Yes, I have noticed that different colors of yarn are slightly different in size. I have no idea why. It's really annoying when doing something in stripes.

  6. Debi, that is good to know, because I was thinking I was slow at knitting. I make mine to sell, and I am sure this will be the last craft show. I won't be selling them with a 3 for deal this year either. Too much work, and expensive yarn. I will gift them most likely next year though.

  7. Leigh, thanks for that info. I thought I was crazy. I am going to re-make the first one, but with different colors and see if it ends up smaller. I may put the larger one in the camper or just use it myself. I do love the cute pattern for a much different hot pad though.


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