Monday, September 11, 2023

Hot Pepper Haul ~ Camping

 It's nearing the end of our garden season.  The rain is arriving here, so I will wait for the garden to dry up before pulling some more plants/stakes.

The hot peppers are doing okay this year, but some did not make it.  Oddly, I got one lonely Anaheim pepper from 3 plants I grew from seed.   I brought in another 15 green bell peppers as well.

It's getting down to the 40's at night this week, which is perfect weather for camping.  Speaking of that, we got our very first camping trip in this year.  It was so nice and relaxing, and the campfire meals were delicious.

One breakfast we made - omelets with garden bell pepper, onion, spinach, bacon and cheese.  The other breakfast contained spinach, feta, bacon, and topped with homemade fresh salsa (made with garden goodies).

We took a walk, played cards, I brought handiwork along, and a book.  On the drive home, I pulled out my knitting project, only to find out that we must have accidently left one knitting needle in the grass by the fire pit.  It must have rolled off my lawn chair and neither of us noticed it.  

As for the cooler weather, it will be much nicer to work on the "Chicken Castle" vs. when it was in the 90's.


  1. We are hoping to take a camping trip to Maine next week... all depends on where Hurricane Lee decides to hit the east coast! Glad you were able to get away for a few days...I have lost more than one knitting needle and crochet hooks during camping trips!

  2. Debi, thankfully, someone gave me extra knitting needles. I kept the lone one just in case it happens again. I hope you get your camping trip in.


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