Monday, September 25, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

We woke up to a bit of rain, which was not in the forecast.  I am thankful for that, as the bell peppers are still producing, and the vines on the spaghetti squash are still producing more squash.

I have 90 drafts on my blog right now.  Sheesh.  I believe I will try and clean those up, or write them, on the next rainy day.  I still need to read my emails.  

I had a saved glass jar, so I made a jar of homemade taco seasoning for one of the kids.  We had them over for dinner recently, and her boyfriend loved the taco seasoning in the chicken quesadillas we made.  I buy most of my organic ingredients bulk, so they were gifted a jar.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  

The weather . . .

We are in the 70's all week with rain about 3 days this week too.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still pitch dark.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and getting this post up.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Work on the chicken coop is hit or miss around here. My husband was sick Sunday.  I am wondering what day we'll go get more supplies to finish it.

I'm thinking about making a list of medical supplies. I want us to be stocked up for winter, and when I last shopped I could not find everything we needed at one store.

One store sells water-cress, and the leaves were all brown and looked terrible.  Check your expiration dates too.  Stores don't care anymore.  They had cottage cheese that has expired a month ago in their case.  So many things are just being sold old.

Listening to . . .

Country music in the kitchen, but about to put on work out music.

How I am feeling . . .


On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover breakfast casserole.  Just something I threw together.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On the dinner plate . . .

I think I will make the sheet pan dinner tonight.

What I am wearing . . . 

Still in jammies.

On the reading pile . . .

Nothing currently.  

On the TV . . .

Movies on netflix.

On the menu . . .

-Chicken Alfredo Spaghetti Squash
-Sheet pan dinner (Sweet potatoes, chickpeas, broccoli, and red onion)

Looking around the house . . .

I am still trying to get order back.  I have one kitchen counter that is driving me nuts.  It's on the list for this week.  Everything needs to find their home again.

To do list . . .

-make homemade granola
-make homemade granola bars (these two are for the week, as I need to grocery shop for some ingredients)
-start a jar of garlic/honey
-check garden for more bell peppers/hot peppers
-bake a breakfast  (something with our apples perhaps)
-make banana muffins (sugar free, flour free)
-work on upstairs floor in spare room

From the camera . . .

Devotional, thoughts, prayers . . .

Update on our friend's daughter who had a brain bleed.  She is up and sitting in a chair, and is able to run the TV remote with one hand.  So far, the progress reports are coming in good.  thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and good mojo!


  1. Hope your husband feels better. I too need to get my 'flu & cold' basket ready for the season. Have a great week

  2. Luludou, I need to get some new four thieves vinegar brewing. I am late in doing that, but he still feels under the weather.

  3. I was just thinking I need to sort out our medicine cabinet, thank you for the reminder. Hope your husband feels better & that you have a great week!

  4. Thanks Jean, he's starting to feel slightly better.


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