Friday, September 15, 2023

Apple Haul


I went out to pick a spaghetti squash for this week, and ended up bringing in 3 of them, and look what I found!  I do have acorn squash on the vines.  They were just hidden.  I saw that one apple tree was completely gone (except one), so I brought in a few from the other tree and sliced it for a taste.  Delicious, and ready to pick.

Our homemade apple picker, ha ha!  I think it's time to buy some real tools for this job.  We planted the two apple trees in May of 2012. We planted granny apple trees later, but they did not make it.  I guess we never thought to replant.  Maybe next spring.  I have not weighed the apples yet. 


  1. Lucky you not having to pay for apples! I’ve made two batches of sugarless applesauce in the slow cooker and now have that (combined) cooking down in the slow cooker with sugar and spice => apple butter! The house smells delish. I’ll be canning that later today.

    Yesterday, I made and canned a double batch of salsa verde which I use for enchiladas. Since I have extra sauce that didn’t make it into the canner, chicken enchiladas are coming in the near future for dinner 😋

    All we got for squash this year are two, one big and one little, butternut squash. The problem has been finding a spot with enough sun. Next year I’m going to try growing some in big pots in front of my bay window where the vines can go everywhere. The pots will just have to be hand watered every day.

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, this is the most we've gotten in 11 years. Animals tend to get them, but we'll add tree baffles next year too. We are thrilled. I will be making some applesauce for sure. Yes, planting in pots requires more attention for sure. Salsa verde sounds delicious too.


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