Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tomato Sauce Done!


It's been very hot here, but canning must go on.  Tomatoes are picked and ready for a full day of canning.  I have to run our dehumidifier in the kitchen.

We woke up to thunderstorms, so hence more humidity in the air, and today they say the heat index could be up to 110°F.  I have had the radio on the last few days, and today they are talking about closing some schools due to the heat.  Some schools here do not have air conditioning.

Say a prayer our power stays on for a full day of canning.  I am seeing that several towns on the out skirts of us, are without power this morning.

The zucchini and yellow squash are still rolling in, but yesterday the plants looked as if they were about done for the season.  I guess I will know next week after this rain dries out.  We are to get strong storms tonight, so if the rain stops, and I get a break with sauce reduction, I will need to check on tomatoes again.

A couple of the zucchini plants are producing zucchini with bumps on them.  I did some research, and it states that the plant has a virus and the zucchini will not fully produce, so those plants will be yanked as soon as I have a time to do that.  Unless I am wrong, and someone can tell me otherwise.

One thing I know for sure, is that when canning season (or rather tomato season) is over, I will be looking at food processors.  I need a new one.  I almost had a kitchen disaster yesterday.  The lid was not locked on.  My last one had a dough blade and so many options.  I don't know what I was thinking, but my current one has only 3 buttons - on, off and pause.  I have no idea why I would buy one without other options.


  1. Because summer is so hot and hectic I choose to freeze my tomatoes after a quick rinse. No coring or cutup needed. Then when I have time in the fall or winter I unthaw and run through Squeezo strainer before cooking them and processing. The strainer saves so much time. Stay cool if you can.

  2. Lisa, I did that one year, when they were not ripe at the same time, but I do not have the freezer space to do that, and it takes 25 pounds for pizza sauce, and 22 1/2 pounds for a 1/2 batch of tomato sauce (full batch is 45 pounds).

  3. I freeze tomatoes as well, but will need to make more tomato sauce this year as well. I do freeze my tomato sauce as it is so hot here in the late summer/early fall.

    God bless.


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