Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Healthy Potluck Ideas??

I'm still being held captive by the paste tomatoes, but have a hot minute to ask a question.  I started the tomatoes late today too.

 My husband and I eat healthy (low carb/zero sugar), so it's hard to eat at a potluck.  I could always make deviled eggs, but so many people bring those too.

What is your go-to dish for making sure you have something you can eat, and one that others will enjoy as well (low carb/zero or low sugar)?

Not a crock pot dish, as the event I'm thinking of, invites a lot of people, and lack space for electrical outlets.

Not a dessert either.  Ha!  I'm making this difficult for myself.  Fresh fruit is an option, but I'm thinking a cold veggie salad of some sort.

Maybe a dip with sliced bell peppers for dipping?  Salsa and quinoa tortilla chips?

I'm stumped.  Eat before we go, and just take whatever?

I'm looking at cold carrot salads in between stirring, chopping, and reducing tomatoes.  I found one with Dijon dressing and another with a sesame oil/soy dressing.  Has anyone made a cold carrot salad that is good?

I think I still have a recipe for a broccoli salad.  I will have to check.

I gotta get back to the stove, check the washing machine, and the dehydrator.  


  1. Spinach and cheese pie? Fast and easy, puff pastry, frozen spinach thawed and squeezed, block of greek cheese, squirt of lemon juice, onion and an egg.

  2. My mother makes an awesome salad that uses tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, red onions and feta cheese with an oil/vinegar dressing. It's really good and really tasty. All proportions can be determined by how much you like each ingredient.

  3. I always take a fresh black bean and corn salad. Use frozen corn or leftover fresh. Cookie and Kate have a recipe that is very similar to mine. (My recipe doesn’t have tomato-lasts a long time without). It is always well received!
    Hope this helps!

  4. Thank you for the recipe ideas. I hope to have to check into these before the weekend.

  5. Three bean salad with a vinaigrette dressing. You can add other chopped up veggies like peppers or zucchini to it too 😋

    -Katie C.


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