Monday, August 21, 2023

Everything at Once

 The days have been long here lately, and thank you for all of your kind words.  Our very loved, 20 year-old grand niece, left behind two beautiful baby boys.  One is 18 months old and the the other is 6 months old.  Our niece and nephew (grandparents) will be raising them.  Funeral arrangements hit hard, as we've gone through the motions way too many times.  It's been so difficult getting through the days.  

In the midst of all the mental distress, the garden is throwing a lot a me.  First picking of tomatoes came to 67 pounds.  I'll be very busy.   Not sure what will get canned yet, as my brain is overloaded as it is.

I canned way too much tomato soup last year, so I will cut back on that this year.  I am trying to pass the last dozen jars around to the kids, so they are not wasted, as I prepare canned tomato items this season.

Green bell peppers are still rolling in and I had a dozen to freeze, and some to eat.

The zucchini and yellow squash are still producing, and I just have not had a break to yank the plants.  I have given a lot of it away.

The hot peppers do not look good.  They are still smaller than last year.  I have yet to decide if I'll be canning hot pepper relish or hot pepper jelly.  We use the relish a lot, but not so much on the jelly.

My husband took off work for the funeral and helping the family, and of course for mental de-stress, but the funeral is now not until this week to accommodate family.  We used a few days get this work done.

We have shortened the  "Hilton Hen House" walls, and are getting ready to build trusses for the roof, then work on the walls, windows, door etc.  It's slowly progressing.  We have the floor covered with a tarp, as the rain has been here off and on.  Work weekends are hard to come by right now.

Go hug someone today.  Tell someone you love them.  Call someone.  Take someone out for coffee or invite someone over for a meal.  Life is not promised, but death is.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.


  1. Prayers for the family. This is so hard to read and comprehend. Sending love and hugs to go around.

  2. So sorry for your loss. Those poor babies. ((hugs))

  3. Praying for y'all every day. {{{HUG}}}

  4. I have been praying for you and the rest of the family.

    God bless.


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