Saturday, July 8, 2023

New Recipe Tried ~ Rhubarb Infused Vodka

Go figure.  The one year we did not grow cherry or grape tomatoes, and I am finding many new recipes that we love!

Mediterranean Orzo Salad, and we love it!  We can't wait to make with with our own cucumbers, and bell peppers, but next year I will be growing cherry and/or grape tomatoes.  There is nothing better than a cold dinner on a very hot day.

 I was a bit late, but finally got the rhubarb infused vodka strained and bottled.  The light makes the color look different, but they are all looking good.

Rain is on the move today, so mowing is in progress.  The tomato patch (larger one) is too dry to weed, so I am thankful for the rain.  I've been out in the gardens every morning.

I was a bit surprised to see a banana pepper so early this year, but happy for the harvest.

I have a stack of library books to look through.  I am looking for a specific type of hat pattern.  I just have not had time to open the books.  I am hoping today, with the rain, I will get some free time.


  1. Your garden is coming along. Despite all of our rain things are slow to grow fruit. The plants are growing like crazy but only a few small tomatoes, teeny tiny cucumbers, no beans or peas. All in good time I guess! Have a great week!

  2. Debi, we got more rain, but now they say the heat will return.


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