Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Ha! No Quick Garden Days!


I finally found the other tomato worm, while I was tying the tomato plants up again.  By the way, the plants are as tall as me , and have gone way above their stakes.  I am a hair from being 6 feet tall, if that tells you anything.  We will be watching end of summer sales, for 6 foot metal (sturdy) tomato cages for next year.  I  don't know that they'll work, as our plants are fully loaded, and very heavy when the tomatoes are on. 

I don't know what I was thinking.  I went out, thinking I'll just quick pick green beans and be back inside for inside work.  Ha!  Not only did it take an hour to pick beans, but I had more zucchini, and cucumbers to pick.  I had no yellow squash, but the plants are once again loaded with blossoms, and the bees are a buzzing out there.

I sent more zucchini to work with my husband, and I will be taking any other extra to the library staff next.  I am still freezing some for us, but it is coming in daily here for us.  I am okay with that, as it is such a versatile vegetable (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner).

The hot peppers are on, but not ready, as well as the bell peppers.  I have quite a few spaghetti squash on, for just one plant, and as well as pie pumpkins.  My acorn is just not coming on.  We have plans to put the pea fence back up soon, and fall plant some vegetables.  

We are enjoying the garden goodies daily here.  Every meal actually.  I even thawed some of last years frozen corn (off the cob) to make our favorite recipe with zucchini, and chopped cucumbers for our absolute favorite orzo salad.  We have talked about trying the salad with added black beans too.  I may try it with quinoa vs. orzo too, but we really love the flavors, and it's perfect for a hot day meal.  I cannot find the source of the recipe, but will post it soon. 

Although these einkorn flour "muffins" were delicious (and used 1 1/2 cups zucchini), they tasted like a cupcake.  I am not on the hunt, per my husband's request for a muffin that uses coconut or almond (or both) flour that are not chocolate. I may look for other einkorn muffin recipes, but the last einkorn/zucchini bread we tried was too dry for our taste.

Thunderstorms may roll in early today, so I'm getting this posted.  I need to tie more tomato plants up, to secure them again.  The heat is here for sure!  In the 90's now.

I think I asked last year, but does anyone have a healthy cucumber salad recipe?  I found one with sour cream, but I'm looking for a delicious low fat, low carb, zero sugar recipe for us.


  1. Maybe try whizzing up some cottage cheese in the blender, then using it instead of sour cream in the cucumber salad.

    Start checking out the Keto sites for recipes. There is a low carb dupe for almost everything. :)

  2. hi Kristina, many years ago we created sturdy lasting cages made out of wire re-bar. Actually my DH did. We are in our eighties now, but we raised everything we ate. Long time reader of your blog. We envy all your tasty goodies!

  3. Sorry, meant to add my name! Bev from Northern CA.

  4. I feel your pain with tomatoes getting too heavy and falling over. I've come up with a plan for next year: I'll do a hybrid between t posts and tomato cages. I'll thread the t post through the cage and pound it into the ground to help the cage stay upright. Because eternally tying up the tomatoes to t posts that aren't ever tall enough is for the birds. I'll let you know how it turns out!

  5. Here's my cucumber salad recipe that we really like:
    4 cucumbers sliced, 3 chopped tomatoes, 1/2 of a mild onion, mayonnaise (I guess about 3/4 cup? I don't measure), a little red wine vinegar, pepper and salt to taste (hubby likes lots of pepper).

  6. I have had beans, zucchini and squash as well to deal with. My plants are loaded. I think that we will need to give some away as I just have way too many!

  7. Hummingbird, I will look that up. Thank you!

  8. Bev, thank you for that idea. Thanks for being a long time follower too.

  9. Melly, be sure to let me know how that works for you. It is a pain to constantly tie up.

  10. chipmunk, thank you for that recipe. Will give it a try.


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