Saturday, July 15, 2023

Gardening reduces stress and anxiety???

 Daughter E called us and we talked for an hour.  She loves her new job and of course the income, and we can really see a difference in her happiness and way less anxiety.  

We both got a chuckle when we were talking about being a stay at home Mom.  She said, "after seeing what Mom does every day, I don't want that job, I would rather work outside the home" ha ha ha!

Although some days are extremely busy, there are a few days where I get to take the day slower, but yes, homemade cooking takes a lot of time, produces more dirty dishes, more dishes to wash and whatnot.  I do prefer the real foods and prefer home grown, which is also work.  I get it, but some day she may change her thoughts on that.

Weeds!  Not sure this is a stress reducer or anxiety reducer, ha ha!  I'm tired when I'm all done.  I am thankful some of the gladiolus are coming up.  I only put a dent in one flower bed, but today's rain should make the rest of the job go easier this next week.  If it does really rain. 

I have a nice mullein plant that showed up in my flower bed. I need to move it or plant it in a pot.  So happy to see it though.


  1. You are right about the work of a homemaker, but I agree with you about from scratch cooking and growing your own. I hope you get the rain you want. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks Debi, there were very few of our kids who liked to help with the garden or even learn to cook. Sad for sure. They do come around for a home cooked meal though.


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