Saturday, July 22, 2023

Garden Explosion!


Everything came to halt for a few days.  The truck is fixed now thankfully.  The car has been delivered to the repair man (local man we used before).  There is no extreme cleaning going on right now, nor painting.

It's been impossible to focus on "one thing" and finish it, on a daily basis here.  Canning/freezing season is here, and with a bang.  I can't complain, but boy it's really putting me in a sour mood some days.   I hate that feeling of being overwhelmed.  I told my husband, I would gladly grow the garden and pay someone to can in.  He laughed.  Yeah, who has money for that, ha ha!

I've been taking advantage of the good weather days, and ,keeping the electric bill down.  I'm am retiring those crocheted rag rugs.  They will be moved to the garage for when my husband needs something to lay on under a vehicle.   The rugs have lasted about 12-13 years, but have faded in color and are ready to move on to another use.  I don't have time to make new ones, so I'm buying new ones on my next errand day.

Considering we did not get half of what we wanted planted in the garden this year, we are getting a lot for what we did plant.

We are getting enough rain, that I have not had to haul my 200 feet of garden house out to water the gardens.

I'm not freezing as much as I normally do, but some squash is going in the freezer.  We are trying to eat as much fresh.  I mostly add it to breakfast casseroles, but it made them "watery" (when thawed) so I will try adding them to pasta sauce and soups this winter.  Squash is mushy when frozen and thawed.  I do squeeze the water out of shredded zucchini before I freeze it.

Zucchini are still coming in too.  The nice part, is that I can slice it to use in place of pasta in a meal.  

I froze some more shredded zucchini, and at the same time made another round of zucchini hummus.  I have three different types of shredding/slicing devices for this.  It shreds the zucchini very easily.

Green beans are coming on.  First picking was 6.12# this year (it took an hour to pick them all).  I had so much going on in the kitchen that day, I had to put the bowl on a kitchen chair.  We are eating these almost daily as well now.  They are delicious!

Sweet pickle relish  and bread and butter pickles were canned.  I did not can sweet pickle relish last year, as we had some in the pantry.  I am super busy this year.  We use this to make homemade tartar sauce for fish, homemade thousand island dressing, and we add it to quick meals like tuna or chicken salad.  It can be used for a cold pasta salad or quinoa salad as well.

In the midst of it all, I purchased our yearly blueberries.  I am crazy to do it again, but I am putting up a 10# box, but sharing them with one daughter.


  1. That’s a lot of garden produce! My squash just isn’t performing this year. I think the spot I chose does not get enough sun. I bought tomato seconds at the farmers market last weekend because mine are still green. Everything seems to be running late this year since we were late putting it in this spring due to the weather. Anyway, I canned 14 quarts of crushed tomatoes. I’ll probably use our tomatoes for Ball’s Zesty Salsa when they are ready. The jalapeños are coming along nicely. I also found a good deal on peaches. 9 pints but one didn’t seal so, cottage cheese and peaches for breakfast! Yum 😋

    I’m also going to try canning French onion soup this coming week. It’s a new one for me but sounds very simple. I figure 1 & 1/2 recipe will give me 6 quarts…and 12 quarts of tears from slicing the onions 🤣

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, one year I canned carnalized onions and loved them. I also freeze onion soup, but will not be this year due to freezer space. We bulk bought chicken and ground beef this year. I am trying to use up some things in the freezer, to hopefully make more room. Peaches for breakfast? Yum! Our tomatoes are still red, but I am so busy with green/wax beans right now.

  3. I mean caramelized lol. I can't figure out to edit that comment.


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