Thursday, July 6, 2023

Chit Chat on the Porch

There are always pros and cons with gardening.  I feel both pros and cons are in the daily chores.   I try to take advantage of the weather either way. 


I am constantly reminding myself, that I am one person.  It's normal for the housework to suffer, if my attention is on the garden.  The flower beds suffer if the housework needs attention and so forth.  

Our heat index was at 91°F by 11am yesterday, but any time out in the garden is better than none.

I've been using my clothesline despite humidity.   I will need to replace it soon, and the trees need trimmed (adding that to our long to-do list).

Question for those who can:   

My canning pot, which I've used for more than (or about) 20 plus years, has a few rust spots on the bottom.  Suggestions on removing the rust?  I tried googling, and I couldn't find a real good answer to this.  Or is it time to replace it?  Or just use steel wool?  


  1. If your canning pot is one of those dark mottled metal ones, it will eventually rust through. Mine did. The next time I bought a stainless steel one with a clear lid. Much better but more expensive. I don’t remember the brand except the word Harvest was in the title.

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, it is a dark metal one. I had no idea they had stainless steel ones. I guess I have used this pot so long, I never looked into it. Thanks!


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