Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Bam! Cucumbers!


I'll admit, that I was not ready for this!  First picking of the pickling cucumbers  - 7# of them!  I was totally shocked.  I literally just checked them two days prior.  

I'll be back when have taken care of these.  Thankfully, some of my dill is up too. 

Update on the rise in electric costs:  We have been talking to friends.  Some have already changed companies, but said there is a "transmission" fee after changing, and the cost remains about the same.  Others who have different companies for their electric have told us that their cost has gone up the same amount as ours.


  1. Gorgeous cucumbers! Good think you're keeping an eye on them!

    Interesting about the electric costs. And rather discouraging, I'm sure. Kinda seems like they're taking advantage of the situation, and offering no incentive to change companies.

  2. Leigh, thank you. I have to check the garden every day now. Crazy how it can change in a few days. Yeah, we are all shocked that they can raise the rate so much and so fast. It did change too. Our bill went from $74 to $205 in one month.


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