Saturday, June 24, 2023

This and That


We have been getting rain, so I'm not doing any garden work currently.  I weeded out the larger weeds in the rose bed, but the rest will have to wait until the the rain stops.

I have been successful with my new to-do list (the 7 areas to tidy up).  I have now crossed 2 off of my list of 7.  My husband hasn't noticed.

Speaking of my husband, there is no sign of the long work hours ending.  He promised me a "date" night, which was taking the motorcycle out and dinner out.  Didn't happen.  They held him over at work.  We are all tired of it.  He has been forced over every night.  One night he was to be home by 8pm, and ended up home at 9pm.

I'm considering going back to work.  We never see each other, and there is no sign we will be getting our projects finished.

I still have a list for us when these hours stop, but I not able to vision any of it being accomplished.  I'm still upset half of the garden was not planted.  Nothing we can do about it.  I probably sound like a broken record.  It can be very depressing at times.  

July is almost here, and the coop materials have not even been bought yet.  We still need more supplies for the raised beds.  The solar fence is still in the box.  I never got my potatoes planted....

I'm getting burned out crocheting.  I have been using up some yarn, and making hats for winter.  I went on Etsy, and was shocked that some people are selling hats for $50-70!!!  What??  And here I was worried that $18 or so was too high.  As for that, my husband said he does NOT want me to do any craft show this winter.

I also saw knitted dishcloths being sold for $7.00!!  What??  I've also noticed that everyone is selling something, and no one is buying.  I read that the area garage sales were a flop as well.  They said "no one was into it" this year.  Well, no one has the money.

I'll be back when I have something more positive to post.  I have just been drained of all positive mojo so far this summer, and feeling like we haven't accomplished anything is mentally draining.

This isn't "throwing in the towel" on homesteading, but the thought is there.


  1. An item of any kind is only worth what someone will pay for it. The crochet pricing practices consider the fact you work for 1 hour of your time, the materials, and the time it takes to make something. If you are using that model, things will be pricey. I would not pay 70.00 for a crochet hat, but there are folks who will. I don't want to give things I make away either. There is a happy medium, and I try to keep in mind what would I consider a fair price for my item.
    How much skill/work goes into it? I hope you get your mojo back, it is a stress buster, and keeps you from going over the side.

  2. Faith, I too like to keep my sale items affordable, but yes some things take a lot of work too. I'm looking into renting space at a new location, but every time I inquire, the rent is way too high to make any sort of profit. Yes, I am going to go hunt for my's greatly needed.

  3. $50 to $70 for a hat??? But no one is buying! I reckon that isn't a surprise! But, of course, when the cost of materials skyrockets, that has to be passed on. But like you say, if no one has the money . . .

    Tough times are a huge challenge to moral. Dan used to be an over-the-road truck driver, so I get how difficult it is to have one person gone so much. It's a strain on everything. Praying for you.

  4. Leigh, I could not believe that one person in our local area was selling them that high on Etsy. I am using re-inflation yarn to make hats, but feel that is way over the top in price. Thanks. Yeah, not having him around is causing so many set backs on things this year. It's frustrating and depressing.


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