Wednesday, June 7, 2023

It's Strawberry Season!!


Just when I said there was "nothing" going on here....BAM!  Strawberries!  I'll be busy over the next few days.  I am cutting back on how many jars of jam I can for us this year.  I canned too many last year.  I do can our jam reduced sugar, so it's more fruit to the jar.  I freeze some for smoothies, crumbles, crisps, and pancakes.  Of course we eat some fresh too.  

It'll keep me entertained indoors, as the Canadian wildfire smoke is choking us out in our state.  I noticed it two days ago.  The smoke is moving south, and we are in it's path, and it is very visible in the air (hazy).

On the extreme clean front, I am now pulling boxes out of my tiny office.  Keep in mind we boxed up the kitchen a year and two months ago, and some boxes from that job were still in there.  It's the last room with carpet too.

I found dishes from Mom's place, a lot of paperwork to shred or toss, 4 cones of black cotton yarn (gulp!), stuff that needs re-homed, some possibly donated, books to donate, and even toys the grandkids out grew already.  Sheesh.  Yeah, I will not be bored this week.

Oh, we finally delivered 5 boxes and one full bag of craft donations.  They were greatly appreciated, and my home has less "stuff" in it.


  1. After three years, I got the beginnings of our first blueberry harvest today! I have three small bushes.

    I was thinking about the chicken with vinegar today. Have you ever tried any of the chicken marinated in pickle juice recipes that are floating around?

    - Katie C.

  2. Kaite, you are lucky. We tried growing blueberries here several times, but the limestone prevents them from growing. I have not tried pickle juice for chicken. Interesting.

  3. I am so impressed with how you are managing to purge your "stuff". I need to do it but it just seems so overwhelming...

  4. Debi, there is a lot to go through yet. I mean with 6 kids, 5 who lived here, and so much stuff when we moved....but it's getting worked on each week.


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