Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Rusty Canning Rings


What do you do with your rusty canning rims?  I see there are several videos on how to remove the rust and re-use, but is this still okay for canning, or worth doing?

With today's day and age, and inflation, and scary times, I'm hesitant to just recycle them and buy new.  Should I be removing the rust, and are rust cleaners septic safe?

I have a bin in my barn, where I toss anything metal into (that is small), for a friend who takes it to scrap when the bin is full.  He is unemployed, so I have been doing the saving for him.  Like, say when a fly swatter goes bad, and you have the metal handle left.  Stuff like that is tossed in the bin for scrapping.  I'm tempted to scrap, but wanted to hear any thoughts on this. 

Before anyone asks, no I have no intention to save and craft with, ha ha!  I'm still going through my crafting supplies, I have that much, ha ha!


  1. I have soooo many rings that I just recycle the metal. You are not supposed to store your filled jars with the rings on because you could miss a failed seal.

  2. I use vinegar and baking soda to remove what rust I can and reuse the rings. As they never touch the food I feel safe in reusing them.

  3. Katie, that makes sense.

    Granny J, thanks for that tip.

  4. Good question. Like Granny J, I try to remove the rust and as long as they hold the canning lid on the jar during processing and it seals, I don't mind using them.

    There is a long-time canner who lightly oils hers (vegetable oil) to keep them from rusting. And I found a place that sells stainless steel lids (real stainless steel, not just calling tin lids stainless steel like a lot of amazon sellers do) maisonjarlifestyle.com. But, sheesh, they're expensive. I bought a 5-pack to try, but I won't be replacing all of my existing rings any time soon.

  5. Leigh, I have heard of oiling the lids, but not until I started looking into what to do for the rusty lids. I'll have to check that resource you mentioned. But, like you, will be trying to use these lids for a long time.


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