Monday, May 29, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

I've created a "on the back burner" to-do list now.  Sigh.  It's just reality for right now.  I've just accepted it.  By accepting, I stress less.  With the list, at least there is a future plan in place.

We have had a long week of cold nights, dry and very windy weather.  It has been an issue with the garden, and now we head into very hot weather.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  I will link up later after she posts.  I have to get this day started early.

The weather . . .

80's/90's with lows in the 60's

As I look outside my window . . .

No traffic, as it's a holiday and most normal people have the day off.  Not my husband though.

Right now I am . . .

Listening to the weather, making coffee, and getting ready to water the garden.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Considering cutting back on how many times I write a blog post.  Do you read blogs daily?  Every other day?  Once a week?  Once a month?  

I still haven't decided on a cordless stick vacuum.  I haven't had time to venture out either.  Gardeners would understand, as it is a busy time of year.

Listening to . . .


How I am feeling . . .

Pretty good.  Just feeling a bit frustrated getting behind with the garden.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Enjoying reheated leftovers of this Mexican Breakfast Skillet.  Delish!

On the reading pile . . .

I'm still reading Atomic Habits.  Some parts are very interesting, and a few a bit over the top, but still enjoying it.

On my TV this week . . .

Well, not the news.  We were subscribed to YouTube TV, but they raised their price.  We will stick with what we can stream via our wifi for now.

On the menu . . .

-Mom's Dried Beef Casserole (using quinoa pasta), and crock pot root vegetables

-Burgers, with lettuce/tomato/home canned pickles, and roasted rosemary asparagus

-not sure on the rest

Looking around the house . . .

My one daily pick, for my extreme clean progress - two craft containers to purge.

To-do list . . .

In no particular order

-wash bedding and put on the line
-install new toilet seat in master bath
-clean master bathroom
-trim rose bushes
-water garden
-boil eggs
-cook a pound of breakfast sausage
-dust entire house

For the week:
-take donations and drop them off 
-finish painting Kilz on upstairs larger floor

From the camera . . .

Looked like Christmas cooking onion with red pepper and home grown asparagus!  I just "winged" this dinner.

I used some herbs from the herb garden, home canned tomato sauce, organic ground beef (that I pre-cooked and froze thankfully, which saved me time), and added some garlic.  I topped it with cheese, and more herbs.  So good!  Oh, and I finally mastered at making half of what I used to make ha ha!  Oh, another thing!  I baked with with green lentil pasta (100% organic green lentil flour).  It was pretty good.  More dense of a pasta, but healthier, and didn't fall apart like chickpea pasta.  The downfall?  It's not sold in our stores.

Devotional, Prayers, Quote. . . 


  1. Your blog is on my daily morning reading list.

    Anyway, I’m going to try to purge some craft stuff that I haven’t used in forever and an old Viking sewing machine. Did you find a place to donate stuff like this?

    -Katie C.

  2. Thanks Katie. There is a women's recovery house, for those recovering from mental issues or addictions. They asked for crafting items to be donated. I took so much there already, but have a bunch more to donate. I also donate my smallest yarn scraps to the elementary art teacher. We also have a place similar to Goodwill, but it's run by a church and they help area businesses. I like to donate anything else there. We also have a habitat re-store to donate stuff too. Of course all of these places are a good drive for me, so I am trying to get a nice pile to avoid several trips.

  3. It is another bright blue sky day here, I sat out in the glider but then the noisy neihbor came out and he is washing his very loud motorcycle. Soon the quiet of the morning will be lost. I don't post on a schedule, as the mood and content strike me. Some days there just isnt enough interest for me to write about it, let alone anybody read it. Strike up that motorcycle 9:00 am, pretty soon the vroom vroom. What a jerk, yep there it is. HATE LIVING IN THE CITY. I have come to learn that if it causes you stress don't do it. I have shut down all other blogs I had, my Etsy shop. I'm not on any other social media. I only have my Ravelry page. I try to find quiet in the kaos, like I did this morning. I work around the noisy neighbors hangover, horse size dog, rock music and fighting with his wife. I treasure the quiet mornings, blue sky and gentle breeze, it will carry me until I can do it again.

  4. Faith, sorry had to laugh. We have a motorcycle, and it's Ohio Bike Week, so lots of bikes out right now. Not us though. Hubby is working his bum off. I know what you mean about blog content. Sometimes just writing a blog perks me up, even if it's not so interesting. I hope the bee removal comes soon, so I can enjoy my porch again. Sigh.

  5. Wishing you a wonderful week. Hugs.

  6. R's Rue, thank you. I wish you a nice week as well.

  7. My husband is also working today but he works for himself so sometimes it just means he works on a holiday. How often I read blogs really depends on my schedule, busy times, not as often. Hope you find a blogging schedule that works for you. Have a great week!

  8. Your to-do list looks pretty well done! Way to go!!! Also- is that a photo of your chicken in your banner? Too cute! We are excited to start our chickens again! I actually want to find more time to blog. I think writing is an amazing creative outlet, I like it far better as a way to share my life than social media- it seems more real to me. I also love that quote. There's lots of things I need to get started on!

  9. That winged dinner looks so good! Have a beautiful week!

  10. I read once a week, I just run out of time. Enjoy your memorial day

    Have a great week

  11. Thanks Jean

    Stacy, yes, I had to put something on top of the feeder to keep her out, ha ha!

    Joanna, thank you, the dinner was pretty good.

    Luludou, thanks, I'm just trying to figure out if writing a post daily is worth the time or not. Some days I do not have much to talk about ha ha!


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