Friday, May 12, 2023

Egg Shells ~ Lilacs ~ Rain moves in ~ Yarrow uses?


I  have been saving egg shells for the garden(s), and even when I shelled eggs for egg salad.

Lilacs are in bloom, and it smells wonderful outside.  I cut a few to bring indoors.

I love snail mail like this!  A Mother's Day card from a blog follower.  Thank you!

Rain is moving in.  We need it, but I wish the evenings were warmer to get this garden planted.  Spring time is always a battle of weather for planting.  I got basil, parsley and cilantro seeds soaked and planted before the rain.  Last year I had to buy plants for some reason or another.

Any medicinal herb gardeners here?  Wondering what the best use is for yarrow?  I have grown it for two years, and failed to harvest it.  I read it's good for IBS, ulcers, and other digestive issues, but wondered what your go-to is to make with it (if you grow it)?

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