Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Spring Weather and Spring Flowers and Tidbits


Yesterday I woke up to beautiful weather in the 60's and sunny.  I took advantage of it and washed a white bed cover and bed skirt.  I put more laundry out after that, but just my husband's.   Rain was still in the forecast off and on, but it all dried thankfully.  Next good day I will get more dried outside.

Spring Daffodils are up and more starting to bloom.  I wish I didn't have moles, or I'd have a ton of tulips as well.  

It's been a trying cycle of, move this to get that done or do that to get this done, and where did I put that or those?

It took me a while to find these felt pieces I bought to put under the bedroom dresser and night stands.  I still need to put some square ones under the bed as well.

More door trim was primed, and hopefully will be painted today.  I've unpacked the suitcase and we are getting moved back into the bedroom nicely.  The dresser has moved out of the master bath, we can clean in there and start using it again. 

There is dust everywhere, in the master bath, from the tile being removal in that one end of the bedroom.  It needs a good cleaning anyway.

I didn't even realize that Easter is this coming Sunday, until yesterday.  We are now invited to an Easter meal, and quite frankly the weekend is the only time we get any work done (unless we pay to hire someone else).  I would rather stay home and finish the bedroom.   I am in no position to cook/bake either.  I'd be happy with PB & J and some sliced apples.  We'll see what happens I guess.  


  1. I love the smell of clothes that are dried outdoors. Can't wait until the weather here is nice enough to hang clothes outside to dry. Sounds like you are making good progress on your bedroom and bathroom!

  2. Debi, we have had some beautiful 60 some degree days here. I put laundry out two days in a row. Smelled so good. We have a lot to do yet, but it is now only getting the majority done on weekends.


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