Saturday, April 8, 2023

Random Things I Found . . .

Here are some random items I found during the start of my bedroom closet purge....

Pop can from my trip to Spain, along with a toy bull, and an antique glass insulator.  I've had the insulator since childhood, but the rest is leaving the house.

I'm not sure why these were not in the "Halloween" totes (which were passed down a few years ago).  I found these purses and sunglasses meant for Halloween costumes.  They are leaving the house.

I'm on the fence with this beaded tea ball.  One of my Grandmother's made it.  It's been in storage.  My husband said, "lets find a place for it" and I'm thinking "um, not so sure about that."  I love it.  It's pretty.  Grandma made it.  Just not sure it fits anywhere.  Maybe pack it up with Christmas stuff and get it out for Christmas as a decoration?  Or discreetly and secretly leaving it one of the kids places during a visit.  It is vintage....hmm?

I found one camera from my teen years.  Yeah, no doubt it is leaving the house.  There are places that recycle them.

I'll be honest, these were all in totes from our last move 14 years ago.  Why?  I have no idea, other than just forgotten about while moving in.  I'm so glad I'm doing this too.  

We spent most of Friday running here and there, returning stuff to the hardware store, and picking up more supplies.  We hope to get a lot accomplished today.  Happy Easter!


1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what we forget we packed away to save. Either new discoveries, or things I have in mind that I still can't find (and am pretty sure I didn't get rid of!). It's a fun exercise in some ways, but also a relief to get it sorted and done with.


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