Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Hook Size Matters and other ramblings. . .


The "clay pot" on the left was crocheted with an "H" hook and the one on the right was crocheted with an "I" hook.  I am not sure what I will do with the smaller one yet, but it was a mistake in the making.

During the process of the bedroom flooring/painting, I kept two hooks in a drawer in one of the end tables of the living room.  One night I grabbed the wrong hook for my blanket and had to frog quite a bit of it.

I had this yarn sitting at my bill paying station (aka the procrastination station computer area).  I decided to go ahead and use it up and see how many "clay pots" I could get out of a ball of cotton yarn.  I will most likely add this to my inventory, or gift them once I get the leaf coasters made for them.

Nothing exciting to share today ha ha!  Just a hook mishap.  I've also been pretty exhausted at the end of the day.  I probably should not be crocheting anything.

I am not getting much done, as we are in the midst of bad weather to work the compost into the garden (it's on just not tilled in).  The closet floor is close to being finished, and some donations have been delivered.

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