Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Garden Harvest Tip and other ramblings


I like to dice up jalapenos I freeze from the garden, but the tip below is an idea to keep fresh peppers fresh, after harvesting.  Anyway, this breakfast had a lot going on in it.  I had a red bell pepper, bacon, a few sweet potatoes, onion, leftover pesto, eggs, jalapeno, and fresh green onions from the herb garden.  Delicious.  No recipe.  I just tossed it together.

As we near garden season, here is another tip I learned (America's Test Kitchen):

(source:  America's Test Kitchen)

I did not know this.  Typically, we either eat, can or freeze as we harvest, but at the end of the season this could be useful.

My husband has not had a day off for 2 weeks now.  Not even weekends.  We cannot wait for that schedule to end.

I have switched gears, and started to go through all the crafting supplies that were moved out of the bedroom closet.  There is a lot to go through.  

Tough decisions on what stays and what goes.

There is nothing going on in the garden currently.  I'm waiting on my husband's crazy schedule to end, before we purchase solar electric fencing.

My front flower bed is full of purple dead nettle.  Part of me says harvest it, the other says look away.


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    Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  2. Ms. Laura Lane, it looks like I am already a follower on your blog. I will check my reading list.


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