Sunday, April 16, 2023

Garden Clean Up Day ~ Wild Violets


I had a full day out in the garden.  It is a hot mess of weeds.  The asparagus bed is going to need TLC this year, or we'll just till the new part again, and buy plants this year.  We dropped seeds last year, and with everything going on called life, I neglected it.   Our wild violets are starting to come up, but I doubt we'll get enough by today.  Monday the weather forecast is snow.  Yes, I said snow.  Ugh.  I'm hoping the rhubarb and asparagus harvest is not affected.  I can live without violet jelly, but this weather is "all over the map."

It is a bit on the early side for all three of these to be starting to come up.

I managed to pull the long 30 some foot pea fence and t-posts all by my little ol' self.  Compost is being added today, so I am in a hurry to get 6 foot foxtail and other stuff pulled first.  I didn't get my other bean fence pulled.  It was already late in the afternoon, and the ground was drying up making it too hard of a job to do it myself.

Today?  It will be the mid-70's and rain moves in.


  1. I agree with you about the weather. This past week has been in the 80s every day... absolutely unheard of here, we were breaking records left and right. And next week we are going to have temps in the 30s and 40s... insane! And it's going to rain... just as I was starting to make progress in the gardens! Ugh!

  2. Debi, our compost was added to the garden during the rain here lol. Crazy weather for sure.

  3. Jill, we are ahead of garden season schedule this year thankfully. We need to be, as I want a new coop built for the chickens.


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