Friday, March 3, 2023

Land of the Unfinished and other closet finds....

 I do not have a craft room in my house.  A few years ago, I started to move totes of yarn upstairs, on shelves on one wall of the "gym" room.  I have always used our walk-in closet for such items, along with shelves in my utility room.

I have started the process of cleaning it all out of the closet, and oh my word, did things get buried in there.  I have used a  bookshelf full of crafting items.  I am attempting to empty it, come up with an organized storage upstairs, and move the bookshelf to the "guest" bedroom or spare room.

Unfinished Christmas ornaments in a kitchen soup bowl.  Gulp!  I started these in 2017!!!!  That was six years ago.  I was making them for the kids for Christmas, and even wrote a blog post for making them on my other blog:  HERE

Under those above ornaments a pair of unfinished candy corn earrings.  Have no idea why that tiny spool was in there.

Unfinished granny square scarf, and one water balloon.

Unfinished set of pot holders, because I could not get yarn that matched to make the second one.

Unfinished cover top for one of the girls.

Unfinished camper Christmas ornaments.

Unfinished flip flop key chain.

Unfinished thin dishcloth.

Unfinished Christmas ornament project.

Unfinished set of pot holders.

Unfinished knitted dishcloth.

These are the current "finds" in the closet

My first, ever pair of crocheted baby booties.  They ended up too big.

A pair of thick socks we bought for one of the kids for Christmas last year.

More lip balm and salve containers I didn't know I had.

Six hand sewn apron bottle drink covers with straw slot on the front.  I put a pencil in the top one to show you.  I bought these so, so, so many years ago from a friend.  I have a women's group at that time, and I wanted to gift them.  I guess that never got done, ha ha! 

I found a dime while cleaning.  Smiling here.

Oh, we have only just begun.  However, I have finished painting one entire doorway trim in the hallway.


  1. The things we find that we forgot we had when we clean! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Have a great weekend!


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