Saturday, February 4, 2023

Homemade "Bisquick" and other ramblings

In order to try a new recipe (thank you M. Meyers), I needed a new batch of "Baking Mix" for it.  Basically, it's homemade "Bisquick."

I've used the below (link is below photo) recipe often, and as she states, you can store part of the mix in our fridge or freezer if you don't use it within the month.

The recipe is from Lazy J bar c farm - Baking Mix.

She has other recipes I love to make, including the zucchini muffins with shredded zucchini (I like to freeze shredded zucchini over summer for this in the fall/winter/spring time).  It's a great go-do muffin recipe for taking to gatherings or potlucks.

The other day I threw together a soup, because I had expected leftovers on our meatloaf dinner night (kids came and devoured it all).

It actually turned out delicious.  I just threw it together with some organic Hannah sweet potatoes (they are white, not orange), ground Italian sausage, and kale.  I also added onion, garlic, basil, salt and pepper.  Oh, a bit of dry white wine as well.  We both loved it. I did not add any milk or cream, but that could be added possibly.  Either way, it turned out delicious.

We are noticing day light has been longer the last few days.  It is so nice to see that again.

I finally got back to lining more of the kitchen cupboards.  I got 4 more shelves cleaned, and now have new shelf liner.  I also have metal shelves in a few that also got a good cleaning, before putting back in the cupboards.  I have a few more to do.


  1. I have never made homemade baking mix. I will give it a try. I love that you are getting things cleaned and fixed up. I know your home has been a challenge recently

  2. My goodness! Do you ever rest? You get more done than anybody! I need to go through all my kitchen cabinets and wash the shelves and clean out.

  3. We have noticed the longer days too and I agree that it is so nice to have light for longer periods each day. Today was super sunny,but it was also 25 below zero when we got up this morning, so that sun didn't help much! Hope you're having a good weekend... it sure sounds productive!

  4. Carol, I still have boxes to un- box from all this work, but yes getting more done every day.

  5. Henny Penny, I do take breaks, and some days do almost nothing, as I know garden season is around the corner.

  6. Debi, that is very cold. Brr! Stay warm for sure. Yes, we are getting stuff done. Even if it's putting one thing back where it belongs.


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