Monday, February 20, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 Our weather keeps going up and down, which is typical for our state.  We had snow a few days ago.  If you didn't see the post, my stove burner is working again.

It's a good thing I baked banana bread.  We had company on Sunday.  My freezer is out of home baked cookies right now.

We've taken a few short road trips lately, and I once again dropped my crochet hook in the truck.

Funny story.  I found a crochet hook necklace online (Etsy), but you can literally put one together yourself.

(Penn State Ind.)
It's a 35inch necklace with magnet, that hooks to a magnet on the interchangeable hook.   I read reviews.  Not sure it's ideal, so I didn't waste my money, but still funny it exists.  I think I will just keep a spare hook in the glove compartment for now.  Fun gift idea for the crocheter who has everything ha ha!

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
We are having sunny weather in the 50's, but will dip again mid-week, and then rain moves in.

As I look outside my window . . .
Sun is out.  I slept in for once.  Like really slept in. 

Right now I am . . .
Brewing coffee.

Thinking and pondering. . .
...about the next breakfast bake, a possibly road trip to Amish country.

On my bedside table . . .
Same as last week.

Listening to . . .
Nothing right now, but possibly country later.

On the lunch plate . . .
Ham sandwich maybe, not sure.

On the dinner plate . . .
Sloppy Joes, Sweet Potato Fries

On the menu. . .
-Sloppy Joes, Sweet Potato Fries
-Barbacoa Beef Tacos with toppings, leftovers for nachos
-Pasta bake using ground beef, asparagus from the freezer, and home canned tomato sauce from the pantry, home canned spiced beets
-Chickpea crust pizza, home canned pizza sauce, bell peppers from the freezer, and possible homemade sage sausage for it
-Breakfast:  Sweet potato hash and eggs

On my reading pile . . .
working on this pile of magazines.

On my to-do list . . .
In no particular order
-prime kitchen entrance way trim
-sweep/mop hallway
-clean roosts
-make a breakfast dish
-scrub/sanitize bathtub

Plans for the week . . .
Gosh, golly, have no idea.  My husband's work schedule is not the normal routine, so it's day by day really.  They are doing what's called "start up" and all machines are going "on" at the refinery.

What I am sewing, knitting, crocheting or creating . . .

Still working on the crocheted blanket for us.

My current road trip project  - finishing a crocheted scarf.  Plus, I also some times take a set of unfinished pot holders. Oh, and the owner of the Health store wants a red set of pot holders, so I hope to deliver those this next weekend.

(will get a photo soon)

Started a new blanket (gulp), because I ran out of one color of yarn on my own, until I make a strip to town.  It is a new pattern, and I am playing around, using up yarn in my stash.  I thought popped into my head too.  I may enter one in the fair this year.  Just for fun.  Using this pattern, and different colors.

My simple pleasure. . .

Sleeping in, ha ha!  I hardly ever do this.

Looking around the house . . .

Our living room has just last minute touch ups and lamps.  We bought one for the corner, so I now have light to crochet at the couch.

From the camera . . .

We need a few more of these cup coasters.  I wanted to put crocheted ones in the living room, but we decided these matched perfectly, and I had an extra two.  Hence, thinking of a road trip soon.

Bible Verse, Devotional, Prayers . . .

Prayers for the residents in and around East Palestine, Ohio.  A large train accident involving hazardous chemicals is causing fish and animals to die and get sick, and cause sickness for the residents in and around the surrounding area.


  1. I constantly drop crochet hooks in the van when we travel... so glad I'm not the only one!

  2. Your magazines look interesting! I bet there are a lot of great ideas in that pile. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Debi, and it doesn't help when it drops where you can't get it until you can stop and open the door ha ha!

  4. Jean, I am on the 2nd magazine, in hopes to clear them out of the house. Some information is already known, but learning a few new things.

  5. Love to see that magazine pile. dropping the crochet in the car is just a nuisance. good idea to keep one in the glove compartment.

    Have a good week

  6. Luludou, I do keep what I call an emergency crochet kit under the seat, but it only has one hook. I guess another in the glove compartment would be a good idea.

  7. Happy Monday! I know it's actually Tuesday but I spent all day yesterday outside cleaning up leaves and planting radishes. I am so glad to hear you are resting better! Your crochet blanket is beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing, it is so nice to get ideas! ~jackiesee~

  8. Jackie See, thank you, I have a bit more to do on that blanket. Glad to hear your weather is great for planting. We will need to wait a bit longer in our area.


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