Monday, February 6, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday


The museum gift shop has closed their doors.  Water damage from back in December.  I sold my jar openers, dish scrubbies and soap saver bags at the museum gift shop, and with success.  I picked my inventory up over the weekend.  They will be seeking fund raisers to repair the historical building.

The weekend, which was to be one full trip for errands, ended up two days.  We had to stop at the feed store, pick up groceries, make a drop, donate stuff, get my hair cut, and so on.

I also saw a doctor at our Urgent care.  I wanted to make sure there was no infection.  There was not.  She said to "not talk" and that would clear the laryngitis.  So frustrating.  The only possibility is it was stress induced in Jan (makes sense).  

We have put a larger humidifier next to my bed, but now we may put one in near the living room as well.  It should help.  Anyway, no infection.  I asked the pharmacy for suggestions, and came home with two different throat lozenges.

Update:  all of the stairway, upstairs carpet has been removed.  We are deciding on how to sand and paint the stairs, and flooring for up there.  I have a dresser in storage here, I still need to sand and stain, but have come up with some other ideas to get it nice and pretty this summer.  It will go upstairs in the spare bedroom.  It's been added to the "get'r done" list.

I'm slowly clearing up the mess we made by moving stuff from one room to another, putting paint cans away, and the tools away.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather. . .

We are getting up in the 50's, and several days of rain.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's still dark out.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping hot coffee, trying to wake up.

Thinking and pondering . . .

The menu this week, what needs done, and cleaned.

On my bedside table . . .

New throat lozenges to try.  Hoping to get relief this week.

On my TV . . .

Right now the weather.

Listening to . . .

Rhythm and blues today.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Scrambled eggs, blueberry sausage and french toast.

On the lunch plate . . .

Ham/cheese sandwich.

On the dinner plate . . .

Mexican chicken most likely.

On the menu. . .

Breakfast - crock pot steel cut oats/apples/cinnamon


-Mexican Chicken, corn or other veggie

On the reading pile . . .

I was cleaning up more piles of stuff that were shoved into the office, and found a stack of old magazines.  Don't laugh!  2019 is the date on them.  I'm reading thru them now.  Not like I need more recipes, ha ha!

I'm also reading some books on my homesteading shelf, and looking over chicken coop building plans.  I'm also looking up how to mix up my own chicken feed. 

On my to-do list . . .
-run dishwasher
-master bath
-work on cleaning a few more kitchen cupboards and lining with new shelf paper
-start sorting another box from the room projects
-look for a burn barrel
- pay a few bills
-make a few phone calls (or leave that to my husband, because I'm not supposed to talk)

Plans for this week . . .
*see to-do list, ha ha!
-start painting the hallway window trim

What I am sewing, knitting, crocheting or creating . . .
Still working on this blanket. First priority, but daughter E shared another new project with me...

If it works out, I will share soon.

My simple pleasure . . .
Painting my fingernails in the winter time.  I haven't done it in a long time though.  It's the only time of year when my hands are not in the dirt ha ha!  

Looking around the house . . .
It's looking so much better.  Whew!  I haven't gotten all of the boxes unpacked yet, but looking great!  Plus, I'm feeling so much better going into spring with clean cupboards (more to do).

From the camera . . . 

Prayers . . .
Continued prayers for healing of this laryngitis.
Our  handy man  Arron.  His dog got very sick with cancer and had to be put down.  He is struggling daily with his loss.


  1. Sorry to hear you're still dealing with the laryngitis. Glad it's not an infection. Those magazines look interesting. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Your progress is amazing! I get tired just reading about all that you are doing every day... way to go! I hope your throat starts feeling better soon. Have a great week.

  3. I can't wait to see pictures of all you accomplished in the house. Sorry for the loss of your craft display-store. Hope your throat is better soon
    Have a great week

  4. Jean, I am terrible at having a magazine subscription. I typically will get them from the library, which forces me to return them.

  5. Thanks Debi, I am adding oil of oregano to my hot tea now. Praying it works, and works fast. It's getting tiring of having this laryngitis.

  6. Luludou, many people suffered water damage this past December. We had frigid (-27 windchills) weather back then.


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