Monday, January 30, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good Morning this Monday Morning!  Yes, I still have laryngitis, but it's a bit better.  I am now told to try Oregano tea, and I do have oregano dehydrated from the garden.  I'll be trying it later today.

I missed our family get together (my side of the family), due to still not having my voice back, but not talking has helped speed up recovery.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

We are going in the direction of cold.  It will get down to the single digits this week.

As I look outside my window . . .

It is still pitch dark.

Right now I am . . .

Drinking coffee and waking up.

Thinking and pondering . . .

The other day, as I was upstairs trying to find my embellished paper clips, I was digging thru many totes of finished items prepared for a future craft show.  There is a lot up there.  A lot. 

I haven't had a good show in many years, and it got me thinking.  Am I ready to retire from doing craft shows?  Everyone is selling and no one is buying?  Times are tough, so wait it out?  I was up there going thru stuff, and felt an overwhelming feeling of being burned out for trying. I love crocheting and knitting, but I just felt like it wasn't the same anymore.  Maybe it's because I am burned out making the blanket?  Maybe it's because Mom is not here to give me ideas?  I don't know.  

The blanket could be the reason.  I am not one to sit that long.  Not even in winter, but it has given me the reason to rest to get my voice back.

Also, the museum gift shop (where I sell 3 different items), emailed and wants me to come pick up my stuff.  They are closed permanently right now.  The building suffered tremendous damage from water lines breaking during that last cold spell we had (frozen water lines damaged many businesses).  So...there goes my business resource, and it was a pretty good one too.

On my bedside table . . .

-a mess of crochet hooks, needles, throat drops and bottles of water 

On my TV today. . .

What catches our interest.

Listening to . . .

Mostly 80's.

On the lunch plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

On the dinner plate . . .

Oh golly, I have not decided.

On the menu this week . . .

-need to work on this today

On  my reading pile . . .

On my to-do list . . .

-finish up last week's to-do list first
-wash bedding
-make homemade baking mix

Plans for this week . . .

Set up stand, grow lights and start garden seeds.  I went out to the barn and collected my seed trays.  I wanted to buy a few new ones, but the ones in our stores are being sold without the clear tops.  I ended up ordering some online.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating . . .

I crocheted myself some pink heart earrings.  We are fast approaching Valentine's Day.

I spent quite a bit of time crocheting this blanket, and hope to get it finished soon.

My simple pleasure . . .

A walk outside in the sunshine.

Looking around the house . . .

I wrote out a short "honey" to-do list.  On the weekends, he can do small jobs, that will in the end clean up chaos created from all these repairs/remodels (but so worth being done).

From the camera. . .

Prayer list . . .
Our friend Hope and her family as they grieve.  She last updated he was saving many lives (organ donation).  She and her husband were married 24 years.  So sad for their family.

Me.  I would love to have my voice back completely, and be back to "normal" once again.

Bible Verse, Devotional . . .


  1. Prayers for your friend and her family. And that you get your voice back. Can't wait for warm days to go walk in the sunshine, love doing that as well. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Praying that you get your voice back completely. My daughter went through the same, a few weeks ago.

    I love crocheting too, but I certainly understand what you mean. I am only now getting back into it, I burned myself out.

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Glad you are feeling better. Thinking of your friend Jean.
    Love to hear about seeds and garden... snow everywhere here and soooo cold

  4. Hi Kristina, gentle hugs for your loss. How precious your friend helped so many with organ donations.
    I can't wait to feel the warm sunshine on my shoulders too. Those little heart earrings are just adorable.
    Have a sweet day :)

  5. Sandra, thanks, I think it's because I am trying to get the blanket done now, vs leaving it in the closet to pull out on colder days (like in the past). I need to get some inventory sold soon too. It's really piling up ha ha!

  6. Luludou, it is very cold here again, but I realized last year I needed to start the seeds earlier than last year.

  7. Thank you Julieann, a few daughters have already asked for some of the earrings I have made. I needed to switch up projects, so I didn't burn out making the blanket.

  8. Prayers for your voice and for your friend. I am so excited that it is almost seed starting time! I am trying to keep myself from starting things too early this year and ending up with a jungle of leggy plants. I also am trying to stick to my list of things we love and not start too many "oh that looks neat" plants! LOL!

  9. Bridgette, I started seeds mid Feb last year, but some were not tall enough when planting time came around.

  10. Ooooh I love the pink earrings. They are so cute.


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