Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Sunrise ~ This and That


I took these photos of the sunrise yesterday.  There won't be many left to view as winter is rolling in.  So beautiful.

This is what the view from the porch looks like this morning.  Foggy and raining today.  No sunny sky today.

I got so side tracked on my to-do list.  I started in the living room, but realized I need a taller ladder, so that was brought in.  I took more yarn back upstairs, but brought more down, and completely got off track with the living room.  I did however, put a roast in the crock pot, so tonight it's easy leftovers.

We are so frustrated with ordering supplies for the living room.  The delivery date on our heater (fireplace) was Nov. 30th.  We've called two times, and each time they say they'll send an email to get more information on why it's not been shipped yet (and they never followed up/called us back).  I have brought in our small electric heaters we used to use in the pop-up camper.  It's taking the chill out and heating up the room for painting (for now).

Our flooring should be in by the end of the week, but we need the gas line hooked up before we can put that down.  Just a lot of "ugh" moments.

The nail polish ornaments got hangers attached, and were delivered to the salon.  I hope to sell them, as it feels so depressing not to participate in a craft show this year.

The chickens are not liking this weather, but are let out every day so far.  The egg laying is definitely on the slow-down.  I'm still trying to convince my husband to let me get a donkey.  We are him-hawing on putting some sort of meat animal in the barn (in the future).

I used to pick up note paper at the dollar store for my daily lists, but have not seen it there lately, and I am running low.  I still cannot get into my office.  I found one notebook to use for now, so I am hoping to stay on track today.

It sure doesn't feel like Christmas in our house.  We are hoping to have a tree up before Christmas, but with all the things slowing us down, I'm not sure that will even happen.

Daughter K is sick.  I felt bad that she is so far away, and had to care for her dogs while sick.  We called to check in on her last night.  Today I will send her my recipe for homemade ginger-ale, in hopes that her boyfriend will make it for her.


  1. We had 3 donkeys some years ago and truly loved them, they were so affectionate but sadly due my husband's health issues we had to say good bye to them.

  2. It was wet and rainy and dreary here today too. No fog though. I hope all of your supplies come in so that you have time to get you living room in order and can put up your tree. You've been thru enough hassles, you shouldn't have to have your Christmas spoiled by it all. Sending prayers your way.

  3. Susan H, so glad to hear the donkeys were loved, and sad to hear they had to go. I heard they are great "watch dogs" for coyotes etc.

  4. Debi, we were just talking about how our house is in such a chaotic mess. We are hoping to have it done before Christmas.


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