Friday, December 9, 2022

Ornament Idea and other ramblings....


I saw this ornament for sale the other day.  I thought it was so cute, but look at how small that is.  You'd almost have to knit with toothpicks to create one, ha ha!  Just thought I'd share.

One window and office door trim is completely done.  In the spring, I will take that door off and paint it.  It's just not on the to-do list right now.  Anyway, I later removed all the paint tape and started on the next window.  I'm so glad we decided last minute to paint the trim.  No better time than now with the flooring not in yet.  It really brightened up the room.

I can tell you, that is has not been fun.  I never knew how many muscles were used for painting.  I have to climb the tall ladder to paint the top of the windows, and literally lay down on the floor to paint the bottoms of the windows.

The only reason I have not painted the trim around the stairway, is that our handyman ran staples into the trim to hold plastic up, so I'm waiting on the spackle to dry.  Oh, he put 4 or 5 staples in the wall to hold up wires, so I have to spackle that today too.  Just a what were you thinking moment....

I got a tall order for a crocheted blanket.  I'm hoping for some holiday sales for the yarn.

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