Monday, December 12, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 The weekend was a long work weekend.  The walls in the living room are completely painted, the trim is almost done (we literally ran out of steam and time on Sunday), and the gas heater line goes in this week.

The walls are a light gray, and the floor trim is not getting painted to match the windows.

We put grave pillows on Mom and Dad's graves.  We picked up salt for the water softener, and I could not believe how high the price is right now.

My husband was called away for several hours, so that put us behind in painting the floor trim.  A nephew is having electrical issues, and he went to help.  However, for the family's safety, he plans to go back and re-wire their house.

It doesn't even feel like Christmas here.  We've already told our broke kids to not buy us anything for Christmas. Once the house is in order (could be late January at this rate), we will have them over for a meal.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather. . .

39/28°F, and we dip down to the 20's this weekend.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's the same gloomy skies.

Right now I am . . .

Making another pot of coffee, getting ready to fry some eggs.  I'm thinking egg/cheese/bacon breakfast sandwiches.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Wondering when we'll finally get done with the living room ha ha!

How I am feeling . . .

A bit frustrated.  The hardware store sold our flooring, but no matching transition pieces.  We had to order it online, and that puts us, once again behind.

Listening too. . .


On the breakfast plate. . .

Ezekiel bread with peanut butter, coffee.

What I am wearing . . .

Painting clothes for now.

On the reading pile . . . 

Nothing. It's halted for now.

On the TV . . .

Whatever we find on regular TV.

On the menu . . .

For once, I have no idea.  Possibly thawing some fish.

Looking around the house . . . 

The same - hot mess.

On the to-do list . . .

-paint the last of the floor trim
-make a breakfast
-figure out dinner and menu
-write up grocery list
-clean chicken roosts and put fresh straw in them
-put trash out

From the camera . . .

When we drove to the cemeteries, a passing truck threw a rock up and cracked our windshield.  One more thing to repair now.  It's about a 5 inch circle.  We are thankful it did not go all the way thru, as it would have hit me most likely.

What I am creating . . .

I started the blanket order.  I am just waiting on one more yarn order.

Devotional, Bible Verse. . .

I literally can't get into my books, and I cannot wait until everything is back in it's place. Prayers for my friend Dean, whose mother fell and broke her hip.  She has had surgery, so prayers for a quick and healthy recovery.


  1. Oh no, so sorry about your windshield! Glad you were safe though. Hope you have a productive week and that things improve over there.

  2. Thanks Jean, we've contacted insurance for the windshield. I'm hoping we get the living room done, but have a few doubts on that.

  3. We had a windshield scare a few months ago ourselves. We were driving on the highway and my hood flew up and hit the windshield! Thank God I was able to maneuver the car over to the side of the road and my fiance was able to tie the hood down so we could get off the highway and make it back to the house. We were so so blessed that the windshield did not shatter! Glad the rock didn't go through yours as well. Try and have a good week.

  4. Sherry Jolly, that would be very scary too. Glad your windshield did not shatter. I was very relieved that it did not go thru the window, but it will be getting replaced.

  5. Darn! another thing to fix (windshiel), but you are doing a good job on the renovations.
    Have a great week

  6. My reading pile is halted too. Our skies our dreary too. I need a little sun to shine through :)

    Those darn rocks!!! Ugh!!! I got hit by a rock before too, it is scary too...I am so glad you are okay, hugs!!!


  7. Julieann, thanks I hope to get back to reading next month.


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