Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Safety Cone Story


I had to order the yarn to make this for our youngest daughter.  It's a bit larger than I thought for a Christmas tree ornament, but it turned out super cute.  

There is a story behind the safety cone.  If you have been following my blog, you know that her high school boyfriend and his bed friend died in a car accident, the night before her graduation party.

Prior to that happening, she hosted a surprise birthday party for him at our house.  They never woke us up in the night, surprisingly.  

The next morning, it was awfully quiet.  I came into the kitchen to brew coffee, and lifted my eyebrows when I saw a giant safety cone on my kitchen table.  I kid you not.  I just chuckled and went back to my bedroom sipping my hot coffee.

The boys, apparently had a history with taking these cones from various places and returning them later.

Hence the safety cone Christmas ornament to lift her spirits and always make her chuckle when she sees it.


  1. You're such a thoughtful mom! And such a lovely remembrance for a very sad thing. What's noteworthy to me in this story, is that the young men took the time to return the cones. Not many people would do that, I don't think. It says a lot about their character.

  2. Leigh, yeah good boys, good at heart, but sure can make you laugh.

  3. Such a cute ornament and a great way to honor that young man. I do not remember reading about this before. I might go back and look at older posts on your blog.


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