Friday, November 18, 2022



I got a bit more cauliflower blanched and froze.  It's hit or miss at the store, so I grab it when I see it.  We did not grow any over the summer.  I asked my husband to bring home sweet potatoes, and he said they did not have any.  It's a growing concern.  I will watch for them, and mash and freeze when I do see them.

Getting to the store during the week is about hit or miss as well.  Guess who has to go get more wood for the floor?  So, yeah, my truck is borrowed way too much for my liking.  I have already had the discussion with my husband, that if we hire someone we know, they must have their own vehicle, and we'll get supplies over a weekend.  I'm just (whining I know) tired of not being able to just go when I please, get my hair cut, etc.

I didn't get any answer yesterday on to blanch or not to blanch butternut squash, so I guess I will try and do more research.  I am unable to get to any of my homesteading books right now.

My husband said the floor would be ready to add subfloor in two days.  He said that last Monday, and here we are Friday and no subfloor.  

I'm trying a new breakfast today.  It has butternut squash in it.  So far, everything I've changed (this one has zero cheese, watching those fats as well), my husband's sugar continues to go down.  So thankful for that, and he now knows better to now take any sweet treat offers while at work.


  1. RE blanching: I would say YES, definitely blanch. I did a GOOGLE search and every professional sounding site (Food Service/Home Ext service) said blanching is necessary to stop enzyme action which prevents loss of flavor, color and texture.


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