Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday


I made a batch of refried beans. We eat a lot of beans and greens, especially during the winter.  I use a box of organic dry pinto beans (soak the night before, and drain and rinse), add onion and garlic, cook all day in the crock pot.  I then let it cool, strain off any extra water, and blend in the blender (adding any extra flavorings like "fire powder" to it.  You can freeze extra for another day.  We eat beans with breakfast, lunch, dinner and for a snack.  Much healthier and less expensive than canned refried beans.  

Speaking of freezing food, I need to get more containers.  Someone has not been bringing his breakfast and lunch containers (hmpf).

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

43/33°F today, and we dip down to the teens at night by the weekend.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's cloudy.

Right now I am . . .

Starting a load of laundry and getting ready to make homemade turkey sausage.  Then I will bake a breakfast casserole.

Thinking and pondering . . .

We are still talking about possible gas fireplaces, but we are also looking at the cost of propane and a propane tank for them.  The costs for the tanks alone have skyrocketed.  The best time to put in your gas lines, is when the floor is open (for us anyway, without an actually crawl space per say).

How I am feeling . . .

Worried the living room subfloor won't be in before the weather dips this coming weekend.

On the breakfast plate . . .

New recipe I've been wanting to try.  Will update later.

What I am wearing  . . .

Long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants and slippers.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing right now sadly.

On my TV this week . . .

Out for Justice.

On the menu . . .

-Air fryer salmon, air fryer cauliflower (new recipe)
-Chicken bruschetta casserole (new recipe)

Looking around the house . . .

Welcome to week 2 of putting the living room floor back in.  Now our handy man says he's not sure about taking our old popcorn ceiling off, so it's either we do it ourselves, or get a quote from someone else.

On the to-do list . . .

-make breakfast casserole
-make homemade turkey "sausage"
-put stuff back in camper
-clean up boot pile
-vacuum and sweep where I can lol
-make hummus
-purge one dresser drawer, re-organize it
-copy down a recipe from my cousin
-pay some bills
-clean both bathrooms

From the camera . . .
I finished another "blessing blanket" to donate.  It will be donated to the same senior center, that we borrowed a transit chair and other supplies from for Mom.  They do a trivia contest with seniors they help, and the winner gets a donated basket of goodies.  This blanket will be in their next "basket" of goodies.

Devotional . . .
All of my books are buried into the office, so I may be looking to buy a new devotional.  

Prayers for me finding more new recipes to cut my husband's sugar/carbs the best I can.  His last report was not good (he was sneaking donuts at work of all things), so I am doing my best to find simple lean meat and veggie recipes.  So far so good.


  1. Our Mondays sound similar. I cleaned our master bathroom, did two loads of laundry, swept the laundry room floor and I'm wearing sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt! Happy Monday!

  2. I seem to recall someone else blogging about not being able to find someone willing to mess with a popcorn ceiling. I don't remember their outcome (probably did it themselves!)

    Thank you for your refried beans recipe. The slow cooker idea is perfect.

  3. Leigh, I soaked the beans overnight, drained, rinsed, put them in a crock pot on high with enough water to cover, added a quartered onion, and about 5 smashed cloves of garlic, cooled and drained and blended in the blender. You can adjust flavor at that point. Worth it for sure.

    Yeah, we have talked about doing the ceiling, but you can easily mess up the dry wall, so I'm on the hunt for a quote. Thankfully, it's the only ceiling in the house to need it.

  4. Beautiful blanket, will make someone very happy.
    We never eat refried beans, not in the habits around here but it just might be time to change things up!
    Have a great week

  5. Luludou, the beans are great to add to a breakfast burrito/quesadilla, or a side dish.

  6. IDk if you have ever been told but a pre-diabetic I know said that beans make his sugar numbers spike. He tested himself before every meal for weeks and eliminated and added foods to see what he needed to cut out and all beans were cut because of the spikes after eating. Something for your husband to consider or at least test for.

  7. Lisa B, I asked him the same question, but so far his number is lowering every day he tests.


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