Wednesday, November 23, 2022

About to lose my mind....

 I got to thinking yesterday.  Yep.  I thought I would gather supplies and finally get around to making my lip balm.  Then I got to thinking about where I put them, and went to look.  I completely forgot I used all my tubes with the last batch.  

I just ordered the lip balm tubes, and then realized that I can't even make them until I can get into the office (where the recipe is at on a buried bookshelf).

I took photos of the living room, for insurance purposes, since there is no crawl space.  Then I realized my thumb drives are all in the office.  I need to load the photos, get them printed and put into our Home Owner's Journal.

Same issue making homemade face lotion - recipe book buried in the daggum office.

I really need to make a day out for myself, just because, even after getting to town the other day (it was late and no time to do anything but get wood).

Now the truck is loaded with wood.  Again.  I could just drag it around with me, but then that will be when the Handy Man needs it.  I'm not sure why it's not unloaded really.  

I plan to put all important recipes on the computer and on a thumb drive when I do have access to them again.  I will then have them when I need them, just in case for future purposes.

Is the subfloor down yet?  Nope!  And I didn't find out until last night he won't be back for a few days now. rolls for the Thanksgiving gathering this weekend.  A monkey couldn't get that recipe binder out of the office right now.


  1. I am so sorry! It sounds as though this remodel is a real pain in the tush. I wish you could get to your office.

  2. Geez, that's pretty frustrating. Brings to mind how it is that often when I start to do a chore, there are about five other things that have to be done before I can do that chore. This is why I often don't get to eat breakfast until 9 o'clock.

  3. Please give yourself a break. I sure that you are very overloaded with work. You make me tired to even think about all that.

  4. Carol, thank you!

    chipmunk, you are right about that. Seems like forever to get this done.

    Sharon, I am taking Thanksgiving day to do absolutely nothing.


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