Tuesday, October 18, 2022

This and That

The chicken/gnocchi soup was delicious.  I only made it due to having all the ingredients on hand.  It was definitely different, but glad I had spinach on hand (note to self, freeze more).  I did not take a photo though.  I also need to make celery cubes for the winter.  I simply dice the celery, fill an ice cube tray, and then add a bit of water and freeze, then bag and store in the freezer. It's great to have on hand for soups/stews.

I have had making gnocchi homemade, on my try it list, for a long time.  Does anyone know if you can freeze it after making it?  Or is this something you make fresh for a meal?  I used already made gnocchi for the soup.  I intended to try a new recipe for a mac n' cheese, but ended up using it for the soup on a cold, cold day.

Our weather is freezing cold.  However, they are predicting high 70's this weekend (only in our state ha ha!).

I'm getting a lot of the indoor work done due to the weather though.  I checked a lot off the to-do list yesterday.

Here is the photo of the other scarf I made, using yarn in my stash.  I found two more in brown colors, but it takes two skeins to make the scarf, so I am hunting thru yarn to find any leftover for the fringe.  If not, I will figure a way to use it for something else.

Along with my regular to-do list, I am writing up a list for things that I need done to re-stock, like make lip balm.  I am also working up a honey do list, but with the warmer weather this weekend, I'm not sure I will succeed, ha ha!

We are talking about moving the pellet stove out of the house (we use it to heat the other half as a back up source), and using a propane fireplace instead.  Pellets have gone way up in price as well.  Time will tell.  I cannot get things done with my husband so tired anymore.  

Guess what???  He didn't have to get up at 4:30am today.  I got to enjoy coffee with him.  So thankful for that.  We talked about his temporary position, and we both agree he will not keep it for a year.

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