Thursday, October 6, 2022

Refreshing the Flower Beds


It was high time to refresh the flower beds, however I am not done.  We are talking about possibly adding more mums, as some of ours have died over the years.  I just depends on if I can get them all looking spiffy.  The mowing is being done today, so I can't exactly do any weeding, but they do look much better.

We had a beautiful 70 degree day yesterday, but boy did that weather wake up the stink bugs, bees and wasps.

I was so excited to find a craft show in November, only to decide it won't happen.  Instead of the usual $20 a table and $10 for a second one, they want a whopping $30 per table this year.  As of now, it won't happen this year. Paying $60 to participate is outrageous.  I don't have high priced items, and even if I did, they would not sell.  

Gas prices are soaring as well.  Everyone is selling and no one is buying, so there is that too.

I hate mowing days.  It puts me out of outdoor work, putting anything on the clothesline, so hopefully we are nearing the end of mowing season.


  1. I would like very much to make things to sell, whether it be designs or finished projects. My items don't sell, and neither do my patterns. I go back and forth trying to decide whether I want to continue with it, or just go back to making things for my home. I suppose what I make might have appealed to a different generation, and for the most part they were making their own. Lots of Amigurumi out now, the market I think is saturated. It's a different time, and the consumer wants different things. I make what appeals to me. That is quite an expense for a table, you would have to sell alot of items to cover and make a small profit.

  2. It always amazes me when places that don't seem affected by rising prices raise their prices anyway. That bugs me about thrift shops. For craft shows, there's a lot of cost to count, to make it worth your while.

    Oh, and you're flowers are beautiful!

  3. Your flowers are lovely . I was just shopping for fall bulbs to add to my memory garden . I am doing less beds more pots and bulbs.

  4. Faith, I did the same show in 2019 and made about $40.00. They put me at the end of a hallway and no customers came all the way down the hall. I had planned to do only this show, and request being up front, but it is way over priced.

  5. Leigh, the thing that boggles me, is it will be in a mall with lots of space, and the money for the tables is going to a charity, so why price them so high? They'd get more vendors if they lowered it. I have my own tables and chairs too.

  6. Lisa, I have to use pots for tulips now. I've tried to deter the moles, but they are terrible this year.

    And thank you all for the compliments on the flowers.


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