Friday, September 30, 2022

This and That


I had overly ripe bananas, so banana bread was baked with some mini chocolate chips in it.  Good thing I did too, as Daughter E stopped out and was hungry.

I created a watermelon ornament for a future craft show, and decided to make lemon and orange slices too.  I am also wondering how many to make?

I created this key hair clip per a special request.  She is a real estate agent, and I think it turned out super cute.

We are starting to get very cool nights now.  I'm so far behind in putting the garden to bed for the winter.  I feel like we are being slammed with all sorts of things that need fixed, repaired, lack of supplies in stores, expensive parts.....stress at my husband's work....sigh....

On another note, I am still filling boxes to move the living room items to other rooms.  In the process I am filling boxes for donations as well.


  1. My family loves Banana nut bread and your photo here certainly puts me in the mood to make some. Thanks for this mornings inspiration!!

  2. I love chocolate chips in banana bread. I made a loaf last week with chocolate chips and cashews. The key that you crocheted is perfect for a realtor. We can only do what we can do, right? Hope your week slows down a bit for you.

  3. I love chocolate chips in banana bread. I made a loaf last week with chocolate chips and cashews. The key that you crocheted is perfect for a realtor. We can only do what we can do, right? Hope your week slows down a bit for you.

  4. Debi, thank you, I think she is very happy with her hair clip.


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