Wednesday, September 28, 2022

This and That

 I'm still freezing jalapenos.  I got one tray done yesterday, but got very side tracked.  I had our handy man here working on the camper water heater, Daughter K was coming over to pick up some things, and I spent most of the day emptying out our breakfast bar (in the living room). 

I was thankful Daughter K came over with her boyfriend.  They took a few things off my hands that we did not need/use.  

The Florida weather situation, has our weather wacky.  Yesterday we had a sudden rain storm, that came with hail.  Praying for all in Florida right now, as we have family in FL, and in GA.

I think I am the only one I've talked to, that has refrained from turning on the heat.  It's definitely been chilly at night.

I feel like this is the time of year where so much needs to be done, but I think it's because we have to do the repairs as well.  I still have a still of "stock it up" to check off in all the midst of everything else.

In clearing the living room (where everything from the kitchen ended up for that project), I found two boxes that had stuff from my computer area. in the world did I have that much "stuff" in that area? It's on the to-do list.

I am not sure if I will freeze pie crust crumbles this year.  We don't eat a pie ourselves, and have way less get togethers.  Not sure I will need them.  I may cut the recipe in half and do a portion.  I'm just not sure yet.


  1. My Florida family seems to be missing the storm. But we are getting wind and tonight temperture in 50.

  2. Lisa, last I heard from my cousin, was they were okay, but winds will get worse.


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