Monday, September 12, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I will be pretending I do not have a garden. Well, at least until dinner time (or even tomorrow) anyway. There is a need to tidy up, and other to-do's that I need to catch up on.

I'm really missing Mom.  There were so many moments I just wanted to pick up my phone and call her.  Today I will be super busy.  Hopefully it will keep my mind focused.

GrannyJ if you could give my your email again.  I will send you my address.  It keeps saying I have the wrong email.  I apologize.

Blogger has done away with email notifications.  I'm on the hunt for a widget or some sort to put on my blog right now.  If I find something that works, I will update you all.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I will link up when she posts.

The weather  . . .

72°/52°F and cloudy

As I look outside my window. . . 

It's early, so it's a bit dark outside.

Right now I am . . .

Making another pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .

I'm keeping a look out for a holiday craft show to participate in.  There are many going on this month and October, but I just don't have the time until the garden is completely done, and then top that with the living room repair job.

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  I'm not used to the work schedule my husband has right now.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.  First priority is down some coffee to fire up this tired soul, and  get the fridge cleaned out.

What I am reading . . .

On my TV . . .

Annie's Pointe (movie we picked up at an antique store)

On the menu. . .

-Cabbage sausage soup
-have no idea yet, I have several new recipes to try, including a new pesto recipe (that I hope will freeze well).  Has anyone every made green onion-basil pesto?

To-do list for the week. . .
-clean entire fridge (freezer on another day)
-label all my canning jars and get stored properly
-clean both bathrooms
-catch up on any laundry
-clean window blinds
-tidy up computer area
-take more trash downstairs from upstairs
-help my husband put the last of the kitchen trim back in
-start clearing out the front room (big job but has to be done)
-call chimney sweep
-dehydrate oregano and thyme
-freeze more green onions and chives
-water plants
-sweep and mop kitchen when I'm done cleaning fridge out
-take a few photos for tomorrow's post (ha ha! it's on the list)
-adding as I remember today....

From the camera . . .

Oddly, I do not have any photo on my camera right now, other than the photo of my current book.  I guess I will need to work on that this week, ha ha!

Prayers . . .

For Daughter E to find affordable health insurance (she is also moving to another salon), and for Daughter K too.


  1. I have cabbage i need to add that recipe to my weeks list. More coffee is always a good thing. ENJOY

  2. Always sooo busy! hope you get some relaxation time in.
    Have a great week

  3. Oh my! Your to do list has me tired!! Hope you get it all checked off!! Have a great week!

  4. I have to clean out my fridge too. That is one chore I don't care for.
    Have a great week!

  5. Hope everything works out with your daughters. I always clean my entire fridge out on Labor Day weekend, not sure why. Hope you have a great week!

  6. Thanks Luludou, hopefully I can get some crochet or reading time in.

  7. Monique, when I was done, there was a huge weight lifted off of me. I have been trying to get that job done forever, and finally done.

  8. Jean, I should have a plan like you, but when the kids lived here they never kept it clean. Now it will stay clean.


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