Saturday, August 13, 2022

Total Melt Down ~ Garden Updates

I had a total melt down the other night.  I'm missing Mom in the worst way, and it came out of no where.  I think I know why.  These items are haunting me I swear.  The top belonged to Dad and the bag was Mom's.  I  have handled both twice, and they were Daughter K's last.  If I had her address, I'd box these suckers up and write a note "no take backs" on it.  I do not have her address, and she lives one hour away. 

I put the last of her stuff by the road with a free sign.  People took her stuff, but not these, and our guy came to mow, so I had to take it out of the yard.  I just can't find homes for either.  Mom didn't want her belongings to go to Goodwill.  We have one place I could take both, but it's a drive.  The shells are falling off the bag, and there is melted candy inside it (part of Mom's story behind the bag).  I just can't get myself to throw it out.   I have a tote with some things for her, so they are going in there for now.

The tomatoes are turning red, the bell peppers are starting to get harvested, and we are still getting squash.

I've already made yellow squash patties.   These are so good with sour cream on top.  My husband likes chopped jalapenos in his.

I brought in some goodies and more tomatoes.  The paste are turning red finally.  The recent heat kept them all green way too long.



  1. Oh my gosh, I love that bag. Now I will be scouring thrift stores for one similar or if I'm lucky, like it.

    I have a large group of metal crochet hooks I will never use and am wondering if you would like them. I refuse to give them to Goodwill. If you would like them, send me an email with your address to and I will get them in the mail.

  2. Granny J I would love them. I will be sending you a message. Thank you!


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