Friday, August 5, 2022

Gaining Progress ~ New Recipe Tried

My husband got the ceiling piece back up over the kitchen sink.  He had to use screws (old house, old house rolling eye moments), so I'll be painting over that, taking down the curtains, and finally putting in the last window blind.  We are gaining slowly, but love what we've accomplished. 

It rained all morning, so instead of taking the donations, I spent several hours upstairs.  I made several trips to the burn pile, trash, and put stuff in a box for our friend to scrap.  I also added to the donation pile.

I finally got a few minutes to prepare onion dip to try.  I decided to make it earlier in the day, and put it in the fridge until we wanted to bake it.  I'm just a stickler on getting dishes done and put away, and don't like to do them later after dinner. was delicious.  It's from AllRecipes.  It's made from sweet Vidalia onions (these come from GA), organic mayo, organic swiss cheese, and organic parmesan cheese.  It's called Vidalia sweet onion dip.  So good!  Perfect for a group of people, appetizer, get together dish etc.  Easy, very little ingredients and bakes in a short time.  Great on a toasted baguette bread, cracker or even potato chips.  Honestly, as I type this, I wonder how it would taste topped on a grilled burger now.  Oh, and I can't wait to try this cold.  I heard it was good that way too after baking it.  


  1. Looking good with your progress. Thank you Sweet Home Georgia for letting her enjoy the Vidalia Onion Dip.

    Lot of good ideas (that is when you have time) to check out today's blog

    Have a good weekend dear friend.

  2. You have been very productive! The onion dip sounds delicious. Hope you are enjoying your weekend a little bit and not working the whole time!

  3. Thank you Mother Em, I will check out her blog, and we did get a weekend away thankfully.

  4. Debi, we spontaneously took a weekend getaway. Mostly to decorate the bathroom, but also to get a break from the house and garden.


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