Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Corn Freezing Day


We had a beautiful evening sky last night.  We were out shucking corn on the front porch, and Daughter E pulled in for a visit.  We fed her and she helped shuck some corn.

My tool to clean the last of the pesky hairs off the corn - inexpensive bottle brush.  I learned about this a few years ago, while watching the cooking channel.  Works great too.

It's weird to be freezing corn today by myself.  No kids to help, and we joked about my husband taking a vacation day to help.  I'll get it done, and the chickens are going to be very happy today.

I did however, get a good portion of carpet cleaned upstairs.  It has to dry, get vacuumed again, and possibly spot cleaned.  I hope to hire a few strong men to move the treadmill up there. 


  1. I love fresh corn. I like the silver queen variety. What kind do you plant and freeze?

  2. Latane, we purchased it from a produce grower, as we did not have the time to get corn planted this year at all.

  3. Thanks for the bottle brush hint. I must try that.

    God bless.


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