Thursday, August 25, 2022

Canning Tomato Sauce (seasoned) and other tidbits

The recipe I used for the sweet chili sauce is online with Farmgirl's Dabbles. 

I got a half batch of tomato sauce canned (22 1/2#).  I canned a full batch one year all at once and swore I'd never do that again.  It was just so much work at once.  

I'll make another round if we have more tomatoes.  

I have another new recipe to try using tomatoes, so hopefully it will happen next week.  I know I will have more hot peppers too.


  1. Good for you! Just make sure you use a tested recipe like from Ball or NCHF. There’s a group on Facebook that’s just called “canning” that’s great. You can ask questions and they only allow tested recipes.

    I canned 14 quarts of tomato “chunks” last weekend though I had to buy tomato seconds at the farmers market. Between the heat and lack of rain, our plants just are not producing enough. I core and put the odds and ends in the freezer to make sauce later.

    Good luck canning! Happy cooking!

  2. I try to stick with Ball recipes or recipe from canning books I have on hand.

  3. I so enjoy when you post links for recipes you are trying. Our tomatoes are about done, but I love this recipe when I have tomatoes to use up:
    Fresh Tomato Pie
    • 1 9-inch pie shell
    • 4 medium tomatoes, peeled and roughly chopped to yield approximately 3 cups
    • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
    • ¼ cup chopped fresh basil
    • 6 chives or green onions, chopped
    • 1 – 2 cups grated cheese (combination sharp cheddar, Monterey Jack, Gruyere or Mozzarella. I use only 1 cup of mozzarella, but use more if you like cheese!)
    • ½ cup mayonnaise
    • 1 teaspoon (or more to taste) Frank's Hot Sauce or Tabasco
    • Freshly ground black pepper
    1. Put chopped tomatoes in a colander and sprinkle with the ½ tsp. salt. Allow tomatoes to weep for 30 minutes.
    2. Bake pie crust for about 12 minutes or until lightly brown. Remove from oven and sprinkle ¼ cup of the cheese over the bottom of the crust.
    3. Stir together mayo, onions, basil, hot sauce if using, pepper, and cheese.
    4. Spread chopped tomatoes over melted cheese on crust bottom
    5. Spread mayo mixture over the tomatoes.
    6. Bake at 350* for about 35 miutes or until topping looks set and is staring to brown just a bit. (My oven takes more like 45 minutes….)
    7. Let cool 5 minutes before slicing and serving.
    8. Enjoy! It tastes like a deep dish pizza!

  4. The assumption that if a recipe is in a book, it is tested is wrong. I didn’t know this either. Some books are actually terrible. Kind of scary, right?

  5. I agree tomato sauce is a lot of work. The other day, I found a ketchup recipe video and learned that she uses her vitamixer to liquify the tomatoes with skins and seeds. Less work and a thicker sauce! I don't have a vitamix, but it's inspired me to get a better blender. If this works, I'll be happy!

  6. Katie one time I made a canning recipe from a Taste of Home Magazine. It made way more, and tasted terrible. I sent them an email. I don't think they even tested the recipe.

  7. Leigh I have heard it could be done that way too. I have a sauce maker, so that really helps me out.


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