Saturday, July 30, 2022

This and That in a Big Way

I took a day off of weeding flower beds in order to run to town.  I have been cleaning up our mess of a house though.

We put stuff everywhere to clear out the kitchen and bathroom, and so in order to move stuff upstairs it's a juggle of room to room purging and putting stuff where it belongs.

I'm finding out in order to move this to there, I have to put there to here and back to the beginning.  

I finally moved Aunt J's plates out of our bedroom and back up on the wall.  Corner trim still needs installed.  Anyway, I have to find where I put my aprons next.  I think those ended up in my utility room (ha ha!).  Oh boy.  So much to purge and get back in place and organized again.  

The bathroom shower is finally in, but not complete.  I was truly hoping it was done, but that may happen next week.

I took advantage of the weather and put a lot of laundry out on the clothesline.  I have more to do today.  I'm washing up the old kitchen curtains.  I'll most likely donate them.  The kids do not need any, and I don't see a reason to store them.

The vegetable garden is calling me today.  No rain in sight for at least a week.  


  1. You stay so busy! Everything around here is covered in weeds. I've about given up. Hope you get your house back in order and everything in place again. Thats enough to drive a person crazy. The vegetable garden was calling me this morning too. I picked and brought in a bunch of stuff that now has to be cooked or put away. :)

  2. Henny Penny, I cannot wait for the house to be in order again, but we still have to rip up the living room floor and see how bad it is. We really need it done before winter.


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