Saturday, July 2, 2022

It Rained!

 We finally got our much needed rain.  I won't be able to weed today, but I do need to go out and check stakes and make sure the thunderstorms and wind didn't blow any down.  So thankful for the rain.  Everything, including trees were wilting, despite watering everything myself.

I actually got crochet time in yesterday.  The water had to be shut off for replacing some parts, so I got some relaxing time in.  Thankful for that too.

I don't know what was going on, but when I went to the grocery store, it was crazy busy.  There was at least 12 people in every line.  I'm guessing the holiday shopping for the 4th, but who knows.  It could be people going to a different store to find things they can't find elsewhere.  I went for fresh jalapenos, and they were completely out.

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