Tuesday, June 7, 2022

This and That

 I spent the better part of the day in the vegetable garden.  I'm am very tired, sore and feel sort of beat up.  Laundry was done, a breakfast scramble baked, brought 3 bags of trash down from the upstairs, planted 2 trees (the birds gifted us in the flower bed) before the rain arrived, and did not get any painting done.  A true, full blown Monday for me.

I forgot to take photos, but after I tied up the tomato plants, I noticed two banana peppers are already on, and the cherry tomatoes are on.

I've never, ever gone into June with flower beds in such disarray.  The rain is continuing, so there is no chance of that today.  Unless it stops early, and then I can weed from the edges, but I'm pretty sure it will be soaking wet in those beds.

The price of gas here has soared above $5/gallon, so the list making continues.  I've been trying to make all my stops in one day, to avoid trips into the "big city" and so forth.  I do have to make a trip soon though.

I ordered shelf brackets for my living room, and the company sent the wrong ones.  Even though there is the description and a picture of my order on the receipt, they sent something totally different.  It, of all things, has to be dropped at a Federal Express office.  Why do things have to be so difficult when it is not from Amazon?  Urgh.

Did I mention my jar openers will not be sold at the general store as planned?  They are not taking any more outside sales. 

A friend told me that she went out to eat, and the place looked empty, same with with another town (also a local restaurant).  People can't afford to eat out at the high prices, nor spend the high priced gas to get there.  Anyone else a bit concerned on how this world is going to function for us?

Meanwhile, I plan to carve out a few minutes of the week to work on another possible order for the same island store.  


  1. I read in the June 2 Epoch Times that food prices are expected to double in the fall. I also saw on Newsmax that Biden initiated a program to pay farmers not yo plant, that was 8/21. The garden is more important than ever in my lifetime. I will start water glassing eggs later this month and continue to stock up on staples.
    But no matter what this world presents, God is in control and every believer should be giving thanks and prayers for America, asking God to open the eyes of those that are blinded to the truth.

  2. The rain does put a crimp in gardening. Luckily we've have a few nice (but hot!) days to plant. I'm still not done, but getting there. We are planning trips to town as well. I have a standing dr appt every week so we try do as many of our errands while we're there. Gas here is still under $5 a gallon but I don't think that will be for much longer. Have a good week!

  3. Gas here in Southern Illinois is 5.29 a gallon and going up frequently. Prices are crazy on everything. I am extremely worried about how this is going to end up especially going into the Fall and Winter. All I can do is keep preparing and pray.
    Thank you for your blog. I read frequently but haven't commented before.

  4. Linda, Amen to that. We are very concerned.

  5. Debi, I am glad we do not have a diesel truck. The price on diesel is above $6/gal.

  6. Thank you Lori, I was shocked at the produce supply during my last trip to town. I wanted a cabbage and there were only two left (organic). Shelves were pretty bare again.


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