Friday, June 17, 2022

Still painting and other ramblings. . .

It's been a whirlwind week!  First Derecho, then 105°F heat index, followed by a hot week with the 90's.  I am trying my best to get out to the garden early, and tie up tomatoes in the dryer portions of the garden.  One area will take a few days to dry up enough to even walk into.

My ladies have been getting treated with chipped ice.  It's been miserable, but glad that the heat is drying up the garden too.

I sort of feel like I've been tossed into the food processor and the pause button is broke.  The schedule here has been overwhelming.  There is so much to do, and yet the honey-do list never gets checked off on his only day off.  

My clothesline broke, so it's off the honey-do list and on my list now.  I was not a happy camper either.  It takes multiple trips outside to hang it all up, and then take it all down before it even dried.  

I'm still painting in the kitchen.  Rome wasn't built in a day.  I just got my husband to remove a corner trim, but I need to paint the last window, ceiling trim above the fridge (and floor trim behind it), and put things back in place.  Next up?  The other half of the ceiling.

My cabinet finally arrived!!  I waited 9 weeks for delivery.  I love it.  Once painting for the day is complete, I will scour the house for Mom's dishes and put those in the cabinet.

If I get certain things done today, I will be able to have my husband help me start gutting the bathroom that has to be dealt with (if he gets a day off this weekend).  The vanity is in my utility room and I really want it back where it needs to be.  Yes, that means more painting, but we haven't painted anything in this house for 14 years (other than my "office").

Our handy-man came over and repaired brakes on my husband's car. We are so thankful for him being available.  He is coming back to haul limbs out of the yard from Derecho, and other work for us.  

Yesterday, I made sure I took time for myself and crocheted.  I have a new item I am working on.  Once it's complete, I will be sure to show you all.

Our kale is looking good, but not much of the chard came up this year (oddly).  Anyway, Derecho gave us two more cucumber plants.


  1. Good morning, or late morning since you've been at it 4ever. Hope you are doing well.

    In reading this other blog I think I referred to you awhile back, she has some really neat crochet items you might be interested in supplying the country store.

    Enjoy and have a better perhaps relaxing (haha) weekend. Hubby might surprise you again (haha again)!

    Oh, and we are sharing your heat ...very high 90s with heat index in 100s! Ick.

  2. Gardens sure bring on a lot of outside work, but the rewards are so good (if mother nature allows). We dried out from our rains and we are working to keep things from dying in this heat. I had to quit hanging our laundry outside when we developed allergies a few years ago. Today our community is cutting wheat and raking straw so there is a lot of dust in the air and the guys are mowing 4 days a week. Hang in there, your hard work is going to pay off and I can't wait to see your kitchen! ~jackie~

  3. Thanks Mother Em, I will check out that link later.

  4. Jackie, I am winding down on the painting, but the bathroom entrance is in the kitchen, and I'm putting off painting the door until I have help to gut the bathroom. However, if I don't get help, it will be me doing it myself.

  5. Those crochet items were on her Friday Finds.


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