Monday, June 27, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

 I am constantly forgetting what day it is, with this miserable work schedule my husband has.  

I'm definitely not running out of things to get done around here either.  I finally got some cabbage fermenting.

By the way, have any of you canned sauerkraut? I just looked up one recipe in one canning book that requires 25# of cabbage.  I would cut that down, but would like anyone's feedback on how it tasted after canning it.  Any other small batch recipes too.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I will link up later when she posts.

The weather . . . 
-hot, humid and no rain in sight

As I look outside my window. . .
-grass is dying and the yards look terrible, but garden has been watered consistently.  I have another maple tree to plant, but have it in a bucket of water until we see we'll get some rain.

Right now I am . . .
Drinking coffee, trying to get enough energy to get my power shower.

Thinking and pondering . . .
I want to plan a camping trip or something when this work week schedule is over, but there is no end in sight just yet.  I need to start boxing up stuff in the living room to prepare for that project, but have to make room somewhere to put it.

How I am feeling . . .
Tired, exhausted, run down, the whole sha-bang.  I'm up super early today due to help arriving to gut the bathroom.

On the breakfast plate. . . 

A veggie dump with dandelion greens and bacon.

What I am wearing . . .
Depends on the time of day. Early am - gardening clothes (jeans, tank top, muck boots), out of the garden clothes (sweat pants, t-shirt).  By 4pm?  Pajamas and I'm not kidding.  Have to go to town clothes?  That would be jeans, and a nice top or t-shirt.

On my reading pile . . .
-no time to read right now, did some tilling in the garden yesterday

On my TV this week . . .
Mystery channel

On the menu . . .
-turkey, veggie
-Philly, either in a bell pepper or on a bun

Looking around the house . . .
-as I told my husband, "Rome wasn't built in a day" 
I still have some painting to do in the kitchen, then the bathroom gets painted, then we move to the living room.....

To-do list . . .
-wash bedding
-paint bathroom door
-put away dishes, wash crock pots
-water grow bags
-get estimate on truck damage
-mail in rebate

From the camera. . . 

Damage done from the deer.

Prayers . . .
...for workers to get the machines repaired and back up and running so my husband can go back to normal work hours and we can finally have time with each other.


  1. Hi Kristina, couldn't reply to your comment on my blog, about the rain barrel tip.
    Thank you, I guess I need to research this a bit more. We live in suburbia :( and I don't even know if we are "allowed" to have one. Really would like a rain barrel, it was the "trendy" thing to do 5 years ago and there were classes and seminars, now I can't get anybody from the water company/sewer company to even answer an email.

  2. I'm pretty sure that if you can sauerkraut, the heat from the canning process will kill all of the beneficial enzymes.

  3. My mother-in-law always made sauerkraut and it tasted wonderful. She used old crocks to make hers and then put it in jars and I believe used a water bath to can.

    God bless.

  4. Faith, I saw a house in Amish country that had 3 barrels all hooked together, so the over flow went into another barrel vs. out the top. I think we will do that with the chicken coop when we build a new one. Or off of a barn vs. the house.

  5. Thanks Hummingbird and Jackie, I will do more research.

  6. Hope you get some rain soon. No wonder you are exhausted with all you do and have to do in a day. Hope your husband goes back to regular hours soon.
    Have a great week

  7. Luludou, it's crazy dry here and no sign of rain


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