Monday, June 20, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

The smaller tiller (runs on a battery) broke down after the 4th use.  It's going back.  We spent the entire Father's Day searching for a better one.  We finally found one, and it runs on "gulp" gas.  It was the last one they had and it was 1 hour from home.

We finally bought a new tire for my wheelbarrow ($32.00!!!).  It's in the back of the truck, and guess who took the truck to work this morning.  Yeah...not sure yet why he didn't take his car, but the wheelbarrow will have to wait.  Again.

We took Mom, Dad and my Uncle flowers.  Mom's cemetery is very close to Dad's, and surprisingly, the last flowers I took were still there (we had a bad storm recently). We stopped to buy more flowers for Grandma and Grandpa, but we could not find any in the stores.  

Bluebell flew the coop yesterday.  I guess I'll be clipping her wing.  I cannot wait to build a better coop, but we have so much on our plate right now.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . . 

Well, I woke up to rain, so I am not sure I'll be getting the weeding done today.  The heat returns as well.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's raining.

Right now I am  . . .

Getting ready to post this blog post.

Thinking and pondering . . .

What my day will be today due to unexpected rain.

How I am feeling . . .

Exhausted of this work schedule.  My husband said it may be coming to an end in 3-4 weeks.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure yet.  Will figure that out after a power shower.

On my reading pile . . .

Haven't had time to read.

On my TV this week . . .

Netflix.  Whatever looks interesting.

On the menu . . .

-Chicken fajitas, grilled
-not sure for the rest....will work on that later today.

Looking around the house . . .

The kitchen painting is winding down, but I still have the ceiling to paint, and then it's time to gut the bathroom.  I may be doing it by myself.

To do list . . .

-weed gardens
-bake a breakfast
-marinade chicken

From the camera . . .

Nothing.  Oddly.

Devotional . . .

Haven't picked up a book in days.  I need to be better at that.


  1. I hope the rain doesn't change too much for your schedule. Have a great week.

  2. Hope you get some rest. We could use a bit of rain, not a lot but a little. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Hi,
    It has been sunshine and temps in the upper
    90's. With no cool down in sight. Chicken
    Fajitas sound yummy. Have a great day!

  4. threesidesofcrazy, we actually didn't get enough rain yesterday, so I'll be watering everything today.

  5. Thanks Jean, I hope to get some crochet time in today.

  6. Hope you could get some rest while it was raining.
    Have a great week


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